Writing autobiographical essay
Essay Topic Treaty Of Versailles
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Egyptian Mythology, Egyptians and Tanakh Creations Story Essay - 6
Egyptian Mythology, Egyptians and Tanakh Creations Story - Essay Example The creation stories in the Tanakh and Egyptians epic are comparable in that all things were made by the divinity considering something and articulating it by his tongue. The creation stories are additionally unique. The creation stories in the Tanakh have just a single Supreme Being, who makes everything. Be that as it may, in the Egyptian and Mesopotamia creation legends, there are numerous divine beings, and they are battling against one another. In the Mesopotamians epic, the restricting power (Tiamat) is obliterated through war however in the Tanakh, the contradicting power isn't annihilated yet reviled. In the Egyptians epic story, the god is spoken to commonly like the cloud, sun, earth, sky, and so on. Yet, in the Tanakh, God is past nature and creation, and He isn't a piece of creation. Scripturally, a contract alludes to an understanding among God and His kin. God makes guarantees which He steadfastly satisfies if the individuals comply with the conditions set in the contract. In the creation, God made Adam and gave him domain over the earth depending on the prerequisite that He won't eat the tree of Knowledge of good and evil(Gen 2:17). Be that as it may, Adam ignored and ate the foods grown from the ground broke the pledge and, subsequently, was reviled and thrown out of Eden. Later on, the world turned out to be degenerate, and God chose to decimate the entire earth by water yet spared Noah and his family unit (Gen 6:7-8). After the Flood had retreated, God made a pledge with Noah that God will never again pulverize the world by water. After the flood, the individuals met up and chose to assemble the pinnacle of Babel that was to arrive at the sky (Gen 11:3-4). God come and mistook the individuals for various dialects, and they were dissipated (Gen 11:8). God wanted to spare man, and He called Abraham so that through Him, the man could come into a relationship with God (Gen 17:1-8). Abraham was to live steadfastly and irreproachable before God. Israelites were a people of the pledge as well as a politicalâ community. The prisoners of Judah were permitted to come back to Jerusalem by Cyrus, King of Persia in his first year of rule. Ezra and Nehemiah record the reconstitution of the country of Judah through the reconstructing of the temple.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Heteronormativity Kritik free essay sample
This part is about sex, however not the sex that individuals as of now have lucidity about. Space as a human, political area is sorted out around sex, however a sex that is implicitly found, and once in a while spoken, in authentic talk. The poliâ tics of space investigation, militarization and commercialization as they are thought about and polished in the US, exemplify a qualification among open and private (and fitting practices, implications and personalities in that) profoundly reliant upon heteronormative chains of command of property and appropriateness. The focal point of this section is to show how US space talk, a magnificent talk of mechanical, military and business prevalence, configutes and recommends achievement and effective conduct in the legislative issues of space in especially gendered structures. US space talk is, I contend, predicated on a heteronormative talk of victory that replicates the predominance of hetero masculinity(ies), and which progressively arran ges the development of other (subordinate) sexual orientation personalities. We will compose a custom exposition test on Heteronormativity Kritik or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Perusing the governmental issues of space as heteronormative recommends that the talks through which space exists comprise of organizations, structures of understanding, down to earth directions and administrative practices sorted out and advantaged around heterosexuality. As an especially predominant desultory course of action of space legislative issues, US space talk (re)produces importance through gendered presumptions of investigation, colonization, monetary undertaking and military success that are profoundly gendered while introduced as all inclusive and impartial. US space talk, which rules the contemporary worldwide governmental issues of space, is consequently framed from and upon establishments, structures of comprehension, and down to earth directions that benefit and standardize heterosexualiry as all inclusive. In that capacity, the authoritative rambling justifications of room investigation and victory ,re)produce both heterosexuality as plain (that is, altogether normalâ ized) and the hetero goals that comprise appropriate space-capable individuals, practices and practices. As the prologue to this volume features, the investigation and usage of space can so far be held up as a reflection of, instead of a test to, existent, presently bound, political examples, practices and driving forces. The additional opportunities for human advancement that the application and improvement of room innovations challenges us to make are grounded uniquely in the strategyâ fixated (be it industrially, militarily or something else) real factors of contemporary worldwide legislative issues. Space is a reasonable, political and material space, a spot for impacts and agreements (actually and allegorically) between objects, thoughts, personalities and talks. Space, similar to universal relations, is a worldwide space in every case socially and privately inserted. There is nothing out there about space. It exists as a result of us, not disregarding us, and it is this that implies that it just bodes well in social terms, that is, according to our own developments of personality and social area. In this part, space is the hazardous to which I apply a sexual orientation investigation; a field wherein past, current and future strategy making is inserted corresponding to specific exhibitions of intensity and reconfigurations of personality that are consistently, and not by chance, gendered. Successful and suitable conduct in the governmental issues of ourer space is designed and endorsed in especially gendered structures, with heteronormative sexual orientation guidelines investing external spaces progressive systems of mechanically predominant, conquesting execution with theif ordinary force. It is through sexual orientation that US techno-vital and astro-political talk has had the option to (re)produce space as a heterosexualized, masculinized domain. Heteronormativity K 1NC 2. The drive to colonize space blocks strange personalities and concretizes sexual contrast. This strengthens heterosexism and transforms ladies into wares. Casper and Moore 95 (Monica J. , Ph. D in human science from the University of California, San Francisco, women's activist researcher and specialist on regenerative equity. Lisa Jean, Ph. D in human science from the University
Thursday, August 13, 2020
English Grammar 101 The 8 Primary Parts of Speech
English Grammar 101 The 8 Primary Parts of Speech EP 30: English Grammar 101: The 8 Primary Parts of Speech EP 30: English Grammar 101: The 8 Primary Parts of Speech This week we continue our weekly mini series. We are investigating the foundations of English grammar, starting with the basics and moving on from there. This week we discuss the 8 primary parts of speech and how they can improve your capacity to communicate. Join Cath Anne as she reviews the foundations of English grammar. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] Hey guys. Im Cath Anne and welcome to the Homework Help Show. I cant believe that is already Episode 30 of the show. In this show, for those of you who dont know, we provide you with content for your academic and student life. Cath Anne: [00:00:26] Just a quick reminder before we do jump into the content, every Monday at 7pm Eastern Standard Time you can join me live on Instagram and we will just have a quick chat and Ill remind you to check out some of our videos. Love to see you guys there. Cath Anne: [00:00:48] This week we are returning to our Grammar 101 series and we are going to talk about the parts of speech. All words in the language classified as one of the parts of speech. Understanding these different parts of speech can allow you to communicate more fluently, it can allow you to write more quality essays, it can help you to punctuate sentences properly. These are all the foundations of learning to speak and write in English. These tips can be helpful for anyone even if you are a native English speaker. It always helps to get back to the foundations of the language and to re-learn a few of these skills. So, if youre interested, continue watching. Cath Anne: [00:01:28] The 8 parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. Last week we discussed nouns and pronouns and this week we are going to give you a brief overview of the other parts of speech. You can feel free to pause the video at any time to stop and take notes, read what Ive put on the board, if thats of benefit to you. Cath Anne: [00:02:04] Lets start with the verb. A verb is a word that describes an action or a state of being. Now, the second part of the definition here is really important as many believe that verbs are only words that indicate an action or that can be visualized. This is true of words like, walk, run, jump, play, sing, laugh, dance. Cath Anne: [00:02:40] Those are all words that indicate actions. Our options. However, there are also linking verbs and these are words that indicate a state of being, classification or existence. The following are the most common linking-verbs: is, am, were, was. And then we also have verb phrases ending in be, been and being. So, keep in mind that these are all verbs as well even though they dont indicate blatant action. Cath Anne: [00:03:15] Another thing to remember is that verbs often change their ending to indicate a temporal relationship or a relationship to time. This is referred to as verb tense. For example, walk is the present tense of the verb to walk and walked with an ed added to it indicates the past tense of the verb walk. Cath Anne: [00:03:43] So, as you see there, we change the verb tense depending on its relationship to time. Cath Anne: [00:03:53] Moving on to the adjectives. An adjective modifies, limits, or describes a noun or a pronoun. Essentially it provides more information about the person, place or thing it is describing. For example, in the sentence, Frank is a tall, skinny man can you guess which are the adjectives? Tall and skinny are both adjectives because they describe the, noun or the subject, who is Frank. Cath Anne: [00:04:30] Then we have adverbs. They are certainly similar to adjectives, but they act in the same way towards verbs. So, they modify a verb. You might recognize adverbs because they generally tend to end in ly. Cath Anne: [00:04:48] So, for example, in a sentence, Susan walked slowly towards the door, the adverb would be the word slowly, because it describes how Susan walked. Cath Anne: [00:05:11] A preposition shows the relationship between a noun and a verb. this one is also in relation to time, or space, or direction. Cath Anne: [00:05:22] Now, Ill explain this a little bit more. So, for instance, lets take the sentence, Mark walked toward the door. The word toward is a preposition because it indicates that Mark is walking in a certain direction. When linked with nouns and pronouns, prepositions create phrases that are called prepositional phrases. So, for example, in the sentence I just gave you, toward the door is considered a prepositional phrase because it ends with the word toward. Cath Anne: [00:06:03] Finally, we have conjunctions. These ones are really quite fun. Conjunctions are used to link words and parts of sentences together. They can also be considered joining words. There are four different types of conjunctions. We have coordinating conjunctions, we have subordinating conjunctions, we have conjunctive adverbs, and we have correlative conjunctions. Dont worry, Ill walk you through. Cath Anne: [00:06:31] Such. Dont worry a lot. So, coordinating conjunctions are words like: for, and, Nor, but, or, yet, so. Cath Anne: [00:06:47] They are used to connect similar words or independent clauses, in other words, sentences together. Coordinating conjunctions are often referred to as FANBOYS. That can help you to remember all the words that are in coordinating conjunctions. Cath Anne: [00:07:14] Subordinating conjunctions come at the beginning of a subordinate clause. They are used to connect the subordinate clause to the rest of the sentence. They can also be referred to as the independent clause. Common subordinating conjunctions are: after, although, because, before, even though, if, once, rather than, since that, though, unless, until, whenever, whereas, and while. That was a lot of words. For example, I went to the cafeteria before I went to class. Cath Anne: [00:07:58] The word before connects the subordinate clause, I went to class with the independent clause, I went to the cafeteria. So, the word before was a conjunction because it joins those two clauses. Cath Anne: [00:08:19] We then have conjunctive adverbs, and these are going to be really important for you guys, so, make sure you pay attention here. These are transitional words used to connect one sentence to another. Cath Anne: [00:08:20] Common conjunctive adverbs include: additionally, in addition, moreover, also, however, for example, in conclusion. You probably recognize ones a little bit. This is because conjunctive adverbs can be really helpful when you are writing an essay. There many times that you will want your essay to flow so you will use a conjunctive adverb to join one sentence with another and continue your thought process. Definitely, take note of those and use them in your writing. Cath Anne: [00:09:14] Then, last but not least, we have correlative conjunctions. They are a combination of coordinating conjunctions with another word. For example, in the sentence, Both John and I are having a hard time at homework, both and and would be considered correlative conjunctions because as you can see they join the sentence together. They join John and I together and they make the sentence flow properly. Cath Anne: [00:09:53] Okay, so, I hope that was of benefit to you. If you do have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. Cath Anne: [00:10:01] Next week, we will be getting into the nitty gritty and more substantial content around grammar. We will be talking about how to use one word versus another word. We will be talking about a variety of words and how to use them in different cases in the English language. Sometimes they can be confusing. So, we will talk about that and we will talk about some of the common errors that are made as well. Cath Anne: [00:10:30] If you did like this video and you want to see more of our content, check us out on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, Spotify SoundCloud, Anchor, iTunes Apple Podcast, Google Play Music and of course right here on YouTube. If you did like this video and you want to see more of us give us a thumbs up. It would really help us and also subscribe to our channel to keep in the loop. Thats it for me this week guys. I hope to talk to you soon. I hope this was of benefit. Take care.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The American Revolution - 1355 Words
The American Revolution heralded the birth of a new country which by virtue of its founding fathers made all people equal and guaranteed certain very important freedom to all. Despite all this the founding fathers of the new country felt that their ideals were not incorporated into what they dreamt of the country. The United states of America is a democracy as exhibits all features of a democracy but is limited in scope as it is a Republic . The limits of the American democracy was the limits of liberty, freedom, independence and resistance to tyranny. In contrast to the idealism of the Revolution, the freedom granted by the Constitution remained limited for many years following the Revolution. Women could not vote, nor could half a million slaves or over a hundred thousand Native Americans. Slavery and racial segregation remained a political and cultural fault line. The issues that prevented the salves from being included were due to the representation of the federalists. They fel t that if the slaves were brought in, it would cause disunity and would bring in discontent hence the slaves were left out. After independence there was a civil war and a rebellion in the south which led to slaves being made a part of society and so the uprising in the South led to acceptance. Gerrymandering is another important delimits of democracy because people cannot choose to vote for the same geography in subsequent elections .The practice of manipulating theShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution : The Revolution1367 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Revolution Revolutionizes the World It was the first revolution to majorly succeed and change how people saw their countries, it was the American Revolution. The American Revolution was the first successful revolution against a European empire that provided a model for many other colonial peoples who realized that they too could break away and become self-governing nations (New world Encyclopedia, 1).The American Revolution was vital to history because ideas seen by other countries startedRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution999 Words  | 4 PagesBetween 1770 and 1776, resistance to imperial change turned into a full-on revolution. The American Revolution, also known as the Revolutionary War, was a time of revolting and political uprising, in which the 13 colonies separated from the British Empire, forming the independent nation known as the United States of America. Though the American Revolution began because the colonies wanted independence from Britain, many important historical events and revolts also lead to the tensions and resistanceRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution1362 Words  | 6 PagesEvery 4th of July, Americans are told the story of the American Revolution. We remember the oppressed colonists fighting against the tyrannical King George III and the formidable red coats. Patriotic heroes are remembered, evil kings are cursed, and the liberties and freedoms won from the war are celebrated. Though America often likes to look back to the revolution, the question of just how much a revolution was the American Revolution is rarely asked. While the American revolution was not as radicalRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution863 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many different views on how the American Revolution came to be and how it actually was. One way is that the colonists that had money and were known as the elite were trying to preserve their power from the British and this is what caused the revolutionary war. Then on the other hand bef ore the revolutionary war occurred when the colonists were being over controlled by the British, then in result of the American Revolution the colonists were able to win against the British and become strongerRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution1582 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The revolution was effected before the war commenced. The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people.†- John Adams, 1818 This quote means that the revolution actually took place metaphorically before the actually fighting began. It took place in the emotions and thoughts of the Americans. The Road to Revolution After the Seven Years’ War created a financial problem for Britain The British tried to shoulder some of the financial responsibilities onto the Americas in the form of variousRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution850 Words  | 4 PagesIn regards to the American Revolution, the point that armed rebellion became inevitable arrived when after nearly five constant years of American colonist protesting. American s had enough and needed to take a stand for the numerous inequalities they were forced to deal with. It was foreseeable that the American Revolution took place due to the unfair taxes that the British were giving Americans. Also, England was not allowing Americans their freedom, along with violence and the political dominanceRead MoreThe American Revolution. The American Revolution Started1581 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Revolution The American Revolution started when King George the 3rd decided to make the American Colonies pay a large amount of money for the debt of the French and Indian War by giving the colonist different types of taxes like the Sugar Act in 1764. The sugar Act of 1764 was a British Law that was passed on April 5, 1764, that collected incomes from the 13 colonies. The act put a huge tax on the sugar and molasses that were imported into the colonies which were a huge impact for theRead MoreThe American Revolution1337 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Revolution was much more than an insurrection against British tariffs and patronage decree. Rather, it was a bureaucratic catastrophe in which colonists from the thirteen American colonies denied the British sovereignty, eradicated the jurisdiction of Great Britain and established the United States of America. The upheaval was a primitive modern revolution in which generality traversed for liberty in the statute of law, constitutional privilege and supremacy. Ensuing years of contentionRead MoreThe American Revolution889 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Revolution was one of the most vital events in American History lasting form 1775 to 1783, it effected the nation socially, economically and politically. The American Revolution brought upon many changes in America, and freedom of the nation. The Revolutionary War was a stepping stone to what we are as a nation today, it created both short and long-term effects on the world. When wanting to blame a certain side, the British politicians or the American agitators, several key points leadRead MoreThe American Revolution993 Words  | 4 PagesThe topic of the American Revolution is a topic that has been discussed on multiple levels and is extremely well-known, especially within the United States. The details are a little on the generic and basic side but it is at least understood on some level. Most people are aware of the American standpoint, the what, why, how, and when , but there is much more depth to what occurred. The war was obviously between the Americas and the Mother country of Britain, but there were more than just those two
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Occurence at owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce Essay Free Essays
â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge†. is one of the best American short narratives and is considered Ambrose Bierce’s greatest work. First published in Bierce’s short narrative aggregation â€Å"Tales of Soldiers and Civilians†in 1891. We will write a custom essay sample on An Occurence at owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now this narrative is about Peyton Farquhar. a southern husbandman who is about to be hanged by the Union Army for seeking to put the railway span at Owl Creek on fire. While Farquhar is standing on the span with a rope around his cervix. Bierce leads the reader to believe that the rope catchs and he falls into the river. and so makes an astonishing flight and eventually returns to his farm. to be reunited with his married woman. However the stoping of the narrative is wholly different. in fact. Farquhar is hanged and these imaginings take topographic point seconds before his decease. Ambrose Bierce’s fast one stoping succeeds because of the manner he manipulated the text by altering the narrative point of position from one type to another. â€Å"An Happening at Owl Creek Bridge†is divided into three subdivisions. with each subdivision holding a different narrative signifier. In the first subdivision. the writer uses dramatic narrative: the narrative is told by no 1. With the disappearing of the storyteller. the reader is now the direct and immediate informant to the unfolding play. The reader views the work from the exterior. In the beginning of this narrative the readers are informed of all the readyings for a adult male about to be hanged: the set up for the hanging. the characters involved and the milieus. The storyteller gives an unbelievable and beautiful snapshot of the scene depicting the H2O. the guards. and his restraints. â€Å"†¦Vertical in forepart of the left shoulder. the cock rested on the forearm thrown sound across the chest- a formal and unnatural position†( Bierce pg. 90. line 10 ) . This type of narrative is the least personal and the reader receives the least information on the character’s ideas and feelings. Although the writer describes inside informations. the reader has to make full the spaces as to what actions and events lead up to the state of affairs. The ground for this type of narrative in the first subdivision of the narrative is to acquire the readers wonder traveling. One wonders what Peyton Farquhar could hold done to be hanged ; was he entirely in what he did. why is he involved in a military issue when he is a civilian? In paragraph six and seven and through the 2nd subdivision. the writer changes his point of position to one which is 3rd individual omniscient: all knowing. The all-knowing storyteller is non a character in the narrative and is non involved with what happens. He imposes his presence between the reader and the narrative and controls all the events. From an outside point of position. the storyteller provides adequate information to sum up. interpret and admiration. As the narrative evolves. the reader begins to read ideas of the characters: Farquhar. his married woman and the soldiers. The reader becomes involved in Farquhar’s life as the storyteller summarizes his state of affairs. The reader is told of him being a plantation owner and having slaves. that he is a secessionist and devoted to the Southern cause. However. the storyteller leads the reader to believe Farquhar and his married woman are sort people. she fetched the H2O for the soldier to imbibe with her â€Å"own white hands†( Bierce pg. 92. line 15 ) alternatively of telling one on her coloured slaves to make it. Farquhar’s rules and devotedness towards the South is explained in this subdivision and the reader gets to cognize who he truly is. This makes the reader feel sympathetic towards him and his married woman. The intent of the all-knowing storyteller in the 2nd subdivision is to give information of the characters and to acquire a glance into Farquhars life. The reader finds out how devoted his married woman is to her hubby. The reader can now associate to Farqhuar and understand how and why he got caught seeking to destruct the span. Section three is intended to make suspense. Bierce wants the reader to believe that what is being described really happens. In order for the reader to believe that what is being described is really go oning. the narrative must be narrated from the characters point of position ( limited omniscient point of position ) . With a limited omniscient point of position. the storyteller limits his or her ability to perforate the head of a individual character. The reader may be shown the character’s voice. feelings and ideas through duologue. soliloquy or watercourse of consciousness. As a consequence. the reader becomes more and more straight involved in construing the narrative. By utilizing this point of position all of what Farquhar is sing seems so existent. The advantages of the limited all-knowing point of position are the stringency of focal point and control that it provides. If the 3rd subdivision was told in an all-knowing point of position. the writer would hold non been able to gull the reader. for he would hold â€Å"seen†what was truly go oning. Sing the whole action and cognizing the soldiers ideas would hold given away the stoping. â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge†was written in three different subdivisions. with each holding a different narrative signifier. The first. utilizing dramatic point of position. depict where the action takes topographic point. The 2nd. all-knowing point of position lets the reader comprehend the victim’s ideas and actions. And eventually. the 3rd subdivision. limited all-knowing point of position creates suspense by being merely in one head. With the ability to exchange from one signifier to another. Bierce was able to make a narrative of machination. fascination and a twist-ending. How to cite An Occurence at owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Anticommunism and Mccarthyism Paper free essay sample
Strange s it may seem, in this period of American history both communism and McCarthy threatened America; fear fueled the fire to a Red Scare glow before its flame would dwindle and smolder. In order to better understand these events, a more detailed look into history is needed to explain how this controversy and cultural phenomenon came to be. Understanding the Differences Is there a difference between anti-communism and McCarthy? Despite the common belief that these two terms have the same meaning, there are indeed fundamental differences.Anti-communism can be understood as a set f beliefs, social values, or political opinions that a communist form of government is unacceptable and wrong. McCarthy, on the other hand, was suspicious and it unfairly accused American citizens of being a communist. Lead by and named affectionately after Senator Joseph McCarthy, McCarthy and its accusations violated American civil rights, destroyed reputations, caused employers to blacklist and created an era of distrust in the United States well into the late sasss. Understanding the Differences Is there a difference between anti-communism and McCarthyism? Despite the common belief that these two terms have the same meaning, there are indeed fundamental differences. Anti-communism can be understood as a set of beliefs, social values, or political opinions that a communist form of government is unacceptable and wrong. McCarthyism, on the other hand, was suspicious and it unfairly accused American citizens of being a communist. Lead by and named affectionately after Senator Joseph McCarthy, McCarthyism and its accusations violated American civil rights, destroyed reputations, caused employers to blacklist and created an era of distrust in the United States well into the late 1950s. Media Perspectives The term McCarthyism was coined by Herbert Block who first displayed it in a Washington Post cartoon, March 29, 1950. On June 18, 1950, the New York Times reported, â€Å"McCarthy, even allowing for the old fact that charges run a faster race than denials, has shown an unexpected tactical skill in keeping ahead of his antagonists in publicity, and thus in the public eye. †The media’s perspective toward Joseph McCarthy and his consequent â€Å"ism†often discredited the validity of his extreme views; the popular media of the day responded to McCarthyism disagreeably if not in out right opposition. Some media sources even laid cause to blame McCarthyism for bringing more attention to communism than there otherwise would have been. President Truman called for an American reality check as reported by the New York Times August 15, 1951. Truman proclaimed, â€Å"Rise up and put a stopâ€â€to character assassins and scandalmongers, some of them in congressâ€â€who are trying to divide us and confuse us and tear up the Bill of Rights. †Foreign Policy and Anti-communism The biggest examples of communism’s impact on U. S foreign policy are perhaps Americas wars with North Korea and North Vietnam. Both of these countries tried to impose communism on their southern parts by attempting to take them over by force. The Truman Doctrine was the first highlight of post war anti-communist policy at work. Truman went to congress asking that aid be sent to Greece to support their fight again communist forces. Additionally, when America adopted the Marshall Plan by funneling billions into post WWII Western Europe, America was trying to prevent these war ravaged countries from falling prey to the Soviets. It was believed by many that Russia might swoop in and rebuild Europe with the bricks of communism unless the U. S. ffered the aid first. The Big Red Scare The â€Å"Red Scare†developed out of post WWI unrest and the extreme hardships with the loss of the war industry which left millions suddenly unemployed. A nationwide fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other dissidents gained foothold in 1919 following a series of anarchist bombings. However, as quickly as it star ted, the Red Scare ended abruptly in 1920. Short-lived as it was, the Red Scare left an impression deep in psyche of the American mind. The Red Scare was a mindset of fear and paranoia that seeped into the hearts of the American people as well as the American government. Perhaps, if not for this mindset of fear, fear of the unknown, numerous wars might have been averted, countless lives might have been preserved, and nuclear holocaust might be less a reality today. We may never know, but it is tantalizing to consider, was the Red Scare of 1919 the reason for the Cold War? The connections are considerable; however, it might be easier to connect them to McCarthyism. References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete this line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry.
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