Thursday, October 31, 2019
Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical Essay - 2
Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical implications - Essay Example Whatever legislature that pertains to the subject matter is covered under a set of workplace Torts. Ineffective administrative communication leads to frustration and the buildup of stress within the organization. A major reason for this could be the legal principle of â€Å"Respondeat Superior†which places the responsibility of the activities of the employee on the superior or the manager. Thus, the senior – junior relationship is constantly strained and is one of perpetual scrutiny rather than warmth or affection. At one extreme of this we have the tendency among some in power to abuse their position through threats, abuse, intimidation and retaliatory discharge, all of which are cause of legal action. In an effort to reduce the probability of wrongful discharge, some states, such as Connecticut, Montana, Maine and Michigan have enacted legislation that protects employees from terminations that are found to be arbitrary and capricious (Pozgar & Santucci, 2007). At the other end, the employees themselves should ethically adhere to a strict code of conduct that respects patient specific and facility specific information. Also, the court enunciated a corporate negligence doctrine in 1965 under the Darling Vs Charleston Community Memorial Hospital which stated clearly that a hospital has the duty to provide an adequately trained medical and nursing staff. Legal statues and workplace torts require that employers must communicate clearly to prospective employees that their employment is at will and can be terminated at any time by either the employer or the employee. This shall encourage the employee to work properly as well as clear any misconceptions that may arise later. In recent years however, the rule that employment for an indefinite term is terminable by the employer whenever and for whatever cause he chooses
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
EIC and new ways of waging war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
EIC and new ways of waging war - Research Paper Example Grotius the VOC jurist The VOC was formed as a private company whose main aim was to counteract the dominance of Portuguese interests in the East and West Indies region, as well as target Spanish interests in the ongoing conflict between the Dutch and the Spaniards. Grotius was appointed by the VOC Company as an advocate to champion the freedom of navigation and free access to markets that were under the strict control of the Portuguese.3 He conducted a campaign whose main aims were to legitimize the operations of the VOC as a body interested in fighting for free trade, the abolition of monopoly, and freedom of navigation in the East Indies waters; all of which the Portuguese were not willing to accept.4 The primary purpose in founding the VOC was so that it could anchor Dutch interests in the East Indies by moving fast to take advantage of lucrative trade routes that were under threat from British Imperial merchants. ... ket requirements.5 As a young philosopher, Grotius laid the foundation for a new understanding of international law and Just War Theory that formed the basis for Dutch arguments towards the legality of their operations in the East Indies. For example, in 1609, Grotius anonymously published Mare Liberum, or the â€Å"Freedom of the Seas,†which was a way to declare war outside the European continent mainly driven by low profits from the West Indies trade, and increasing competition from the English.6 As the main VOC jurist, Grotius advocated for the legitimization of the actions and operations of the VOC, arguing that they were legal and moral. For example, on the issue of extradition, Grotius argued that all nations had the natural right and duty to either extradite or punish malefactors.7 Moreover, Grotius held that subjects of the United Netherlands had a right to sail and trade in the East Indies.8 This challenged Portuguese, Spanish, and English interests in the East Indie s. Mainly, this was argued on the principle that every nation had the right to trade with any nation it pleases.9 Moreover, Grotius’ argued that the Portuguese and Spanish did not have sovereignty over the areas they occupied in the East Indies. Hence to deny the Dutch any trade rights or the rights to passage would be absurd and unjust. This paved the way for increased competition and conflict in the East Indies amongst the European powers. In February 1603, the VOC seized the Portuguese vessel Santa Catarina along the Singapore coast, on the pretext that Portuguese merchants had aggrieved Dutch vessels, and therefore seizing the ship was justified as a form of reparation.10 Grotius argued that the Portuguese had denied the Dutch the natural right of access and trade in Asian markets, that the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Introduction To The Media Industry Media Essay
Introduction To The Media Industry Media Essay As the media industry joins the ranks of others that are facing tremendous declines and losing advertising revenue, African Americans in the media have also faced extreme challenges. We as people often search for answers to create change in todays society, but stereotypes linger within our world placing a barrier on chances of unity and equality. One of the main sources of these stereotypes is the mass media. Stereotypes are commonly referred to as codes that give audiences quick, common understandings, (sometimes invalid) of a person or group of people mostly relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role, or occupation. African Americans are constantly viewed in ways that are false and over-exaggerated. From loud explicit curse words, to wobbly behinds and gold teeth, the mass media blinds America with false and negative images. From the beginning of television history, African Americans were shown as very dark, monkey-like characters without a tad of know-how except in the areas of housekeeping or singing and dancing. Stereotyping or labeling is a technique that attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the images as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable (Lester 134). These ideas become so clichà © that they begin to form daily thoughts and views and one is unable to look beyond them. The mass media, including movies, music, music videos, newspapers, magazines, television broadcasts, and forms of advertising, often portrays African Americans as hood, ghetto, threatening, and sexually explicit. This has transformed into lifestyles and insulting stereotypes in todays society. The inadequate coverage of African Americans due, in large part to the lack of depth in minority media ownership, has provided an opportunity in the nations current economic conditions. The media industry is taking major hits as revenues are dropping, readership and viewership totals are down, and the journalism and media industries are bumping along the same rocky roads as the automotive industry where thousands of jobs were lost in a matter of days. Framework of Study This study will include a mass research of the past century of African American appearances in the media. African- Americans image has evolved over time. Research will be focused on why and how this evolution process has taken place. This subject has been overlooked by society, and many do not understand that the process of an African-American being placed in the media was a very difficult one. Examples will be given on how African Americans were depicted in the media. Also, there will be an analysis of how audiences of the media react to blacks being the focal point, and why publishers and broadcasters show these images in the manner that they do. Graphs of the ratings of the different media releases will be compared by race of focal point to determine the impact that African-Americans had on society through the media. Also, common television sitcoms will be analyzed in order to explain how African-American images have changed over time. All sitcoms were reviewed through network television. The sitcoms range from the 1960s to the current television era. Also, the sitcoms will be analyzed to explain how the content has changed societys view on the lives and culture of African Americans. Statement of Problem Society has placed a negative image on African-Americans due to the techniques of the media used to portray them. These techniques are marketing schemes used to produce more total revenue. These negative ideas or beliefs place a role in the lives of many African-Americans. Stereotypes are formed and problems arise daily for black individuals. From ethnic name profiling to police brutality, African-Americans endure corrupt thoughts based on negative images displayed by the media. The only way to erase or reduce these negative images is if the media reverses the images it has created. Many marketing specialist believe that these images are entertaining and overlook the morals and values of its content. African-Americans are unfairly and unrealistically portrayed on television and other forms of media. Unfortunately, there are many who do fall victim to the stereotypes, and there are many more that experience prejudice and pain because of them. After watching some movies that are currently popular, it seems that the majority of current films that are aimed at an African American audience fill and support these negative stereotypes of African Americans. Luckily, there are some media broadcasts that allow variety of African Americans to be shown to society. The change in content of programming is currently allowing room for change of the long lived stereotypes. Rational Profiling, stereotyping, and negative imaging must be stopped. Even after decades have relinquished away since the time of slavery, racism and prejudices still linger in our society. The media is not making these images look any better. Social prejudices or programmed depictions of groups in a society have long pervaded and shaped social ethos, but it is through this awareness, that cultural humanity is able to dismantle and set aside such associations (Walker 545). The images in the media of African Americans have changed the lifestyles of todays black society. Due to lack of knowledge and being blinded the media, the African-American race has yielded to live up to the images shown to society. These stereotypes of African Americans being used by the media today and years ago are injuring the realistic image of black people and the way that both African-American and Caucasians view those of African heritage. Gender, Class, and Race Stereotypes in American Media Gender, class, and race stereotypes abound in contemporary society, much like they have done throughout human history. With the advent of the media, however, stereotypical assumptions have become so pervasive, and so diffused, that some call for a serious and purposeful scrutiny of the media contents. A full analysis will be conducted to enlighten others that the African-American culture differs tremendously from the way that the media displays it.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Catcher in the Rye Holden Gets Influenced :: Essays Papers
The Catcher in the Rye Holden Gets Influenced Everyone gets influenced by someone, even heroes do. The Catcher in the Rye, a novel written by J. D. Salinger, talks about Holden Caulfield, a 16 year old boy that is trying to live through his problems. Holden tries to learn from his experiences as well as from the ones of others. He goes through many hard times, but he always takes them as a chance to imagine how it could have ended if he had done something about them or what cold had happened if he was not so â€Å"yellow†. Many people influence him; especially Jane Gallagher, Phoebe, and Allie. Jane Gallagher has a lot of influence on Holden. For example he states, â€Å"†¦You never even worried, with Jane, whether your hand was sweaty or not. All you knew was, you were happy. You really were.†In this scene, Holden shows how Holden feels when he gets around Jane. Holden says that he feels good and happy when around Jane. Another scene where Jane demonstrates her influence over Holden, is when he states, â€Å"†¦Then I’d crawl back to my room and call up Jane and have her come over and bandage up my guts. I pictured her holding a cigarette for me to smoke while I was†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Here, Holden imagines Jane coming over to help him, which reveals that Holden feels secure and protected by her. It also shows how Holden feels about Jane, the girl of his dreams, who he feels in love with. Jane clearly has much influence over Holden. Holden’s little brother, Allie, also influences a lot on him. For example, Holden states, â€Å"†¦You’d have liked him. He was two years younger than I was, but he was about fifty times as intelligent†¦He was also the nicest member of the family in lots of ways. He never got mad at anybody†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Holden always thinks of his brother Allie as a good and intelligent boy. When Holden thinks about Allie, Holden shows his love for him and how much he likes him. Another important scene is when Holden says, â€Å"†¦I kept walking and walking up Fifth Avenue†¦Then all of a sudden, something very spooky started happening. Every time I came to the end of a block and stepped off the goddam curb, I had this feeling that I’d never get to the other side of the street.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Calorimetry Prelab
Experiment 12 Calorimetry and Heat of Reactions ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERFORMANCE GOALS: 1. To learn how to use of a calorimeter 2. To learn how to collect and manipulate data in the computer 3. To calculate the calorimeter constant 4. To use Hess' Law to find the heat or formation of magnesium oxide CHEMICAL OVERVIEW: †¢Enthalphy: (? H) : when chemical or physical changes occur at a constant pressure. †¢Calorimeter: is an instrument with insulating walls where the reaction happens. Eq. 1: q rxn = -qsurrounding Heat of capacity of the calorimeter: â€Å"Cp†must be calculated at the beginning of every calorimeter experiment in Joules/  °C Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter: The calorimeter constant is easily found by adding a fixed amount of hot water to a known amount of cold water and the change in temp for each recorded, due to the Law of Energy Conservation the amount of heat r eleased by the hot water should be equal to the amount of heat absorbed by the cold water: Eq. 2 q released( Hot Water) = -q absorbed (Cold Water) If there is a discrepancy between these two values use the following equation:Eq. 3q= m x spht x ? T Where spht is the specific heat of the substance in J/ g °C ?T is the temperature change in  °C andm is the mass in grams Mass of Cold Water|51. 20 g| Initial temperature of cold water|20. 3  °C| Mass of hot water|49. 82 g| Initial temp of hot water|98. 2  °C| Final temp of the mixture|58. 3  °C| Eq. 4qHot = mHot x sphtWater x ? THot qHot = (4. 184 J/  °C-g)(49. 82g)(58. 3  °C-98. 2  °C) = -8317 J Eq. 5qCold = mCold x sphtWater x ? TCold qCold = (4. 184 J/  °C-g)(51. 20g)(58. 3  °C-20. 3  °C) = 8142 J 8317-8142 = 175 joules Cp = ( 175 J ) / (58.  °C – 20. 3  °C) Cp = 4. 6 J/  °C HEAT OF REACTIONS: q released = -q absorbed Eq. 6 q released = – (q solution + q calorimeter ) Eq. 7 qSolution = mSolutio n x sphtWater x ? TSolution sphtsolution= 4. 184 J/ g  °C Eq. 8q calorimeter= Cp x ? T Eq. 9 q reaction = ? Hreaction Hess's Law Hess's Law states that the enthalpy of a reaction is independent of the steps that it takes to get from reactants to products because enthalpy of reaction is a state function. State Function- depends on initial and final state but not on the path taken ?Temperature ?Volume ?Pressure ?Energy Mg (s) + 1/2 O2 (g) –> MgO ( s) PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT 1. Predict the product, balance the questions and write the net ionic equations for the reactions: a. Mg (s) + HCI (aq) â€â€> b. MgO (s) + HC: (aq) â€â€> 2. Write the reaction that represents the enthalpy of formation ( ? Hfor ) of water. 3. Use the table of the thermodynamic data in your text book to calculate the ? H for each of the three reactions REMEMBER Eq. 10 ( ? H  °rxn = ? ( n? H  °for )prod – ? ( n? H  °for )react 1) 2) 3) 4. Use Hess's Law combining the three molecular equations to calculate the ?Hrxn for the reaction of the formation of MgO. PROCEDURE A. CALIBRATION OF THERMISTOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. DETERMINATION OF THE HEAT CAPACITY OF THE CALORIMETER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. REACTION OF MgO AND HCI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D. REACTION OF Mg AND HCI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. E. DATA AND CALCULATIONS A. Calorimeter Constant Mass of Styrofoam cup with lid + spin bar (g)|| Mass of cup with lid + spin bar + 50mL of room temp. water (g)|| Initial Temp of Room Temp. Water (  °C )|| Initial Temp of Hot Water(  °C )|| Total mass at the end (g)||Calculated Heat released by Hot Water (J) (Eq. 4)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by R. T Water (J) Eq. 5)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by Calorimeter (J)|| Calculated Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter, Cp (J/ °C) (Eq. 8) || B. Heat of Reaction of MgO Mass of weighing boat (g)|| Mass of weighing boat + Magnesium oxide (g)|| Mass of Magnesium oxide (g)|| Mass of Styrofoam cup with lid + spin bar (g)|| Mass or Styrof oam cup with lid, spin bar (g) + HCI|| Calculated Mass of HCI (g)|| Total Mass of solution at the end|| Calculated Mass of MgO (g) (using total mass of solution)||Initial Temperature of Solution ( °C) (before MgO was added)|| Final. Temp of solution ( °C) (after MgO was added)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by solution (J) (Eq. 7)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J) (Eq. 8)|| Calculated Total heat absorbed|| Calculated Total heat released by the solution (Eq. 6)|| Calculated Moles of MgO|| Calculated Moles of HCI|| Heat released per Mole of MgO|| Molar Heat Reaction (kJ/mol)|| C. Reaction of Mg with HCI Mass of weighing boat (g)|| Mass of weighing boat + Magnesium (g)|| Mass of Magnesium (g)|| Mass of Styrofoam cup with lid + spin bar (g)||Mass or Styrofoam cup with lid, spin bar (g) + HCI|| Calculated Mass of HCI (g)|| Total Mass of solution at the end|| Calculated Mass of Mg (g) (using the final mass of solution)|| Initial Temperature of Solution ( °C) (before Mg was a dded)|| Final. Temp of solution ( °C) (after Mg was added)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by solution (J) (Eq. 7)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J) (Eq. 8)|| Calculated Total heat absorbed|| Calculated Total heat released by the solution (Eq. 6)|| Calculated Moles of Mg|| Calculated Moles of HCI|| Heat released per Mole of Mg||
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
“the Catcher in the Rye Expository Essayâ€Â
â€Å"The catcher in the rye expository essay†The catcher in the rye is a book I have read and really enjoyed because of the plot and the characters in the novel. â€Å"I always call it the catcher of the rye of the new generation. †(www. Thinkexist. comJessica sharzer) the novel takes place in New York. This narrativeis really enjoyable and fun to read. This novel deals with a lot of issues and this is the reason I enjoyed this innovative story. The story takes place in New York City and this is one of the many reasons why I like this novel. The story was also written in a narrative format because of the way the main character: Holden Coldenfield. Holden narrates throughout the entire narrative because he is the narrator. He has been kicked out of eight different schools due to the way he acts in class and towards his peers. He also smokes to keep his stress down because of the way he acts. Every single person who knows of Holden would not like or even care for him. The only person who cared for him is his little sister. The family does not know he was kicked out of his new school Yancy academy. Holden cares for his little sister Phoebe Caulfield. Holden also stays at a hotel for a couple of nights after being kicked of his poised school Yancy academy. He tries to act like an adult to show he is not afraid even though he is sixteen. When Holden couldn’t afford to stay at the hotel anymore he decided to stay with a teacher who tries to molest him while he sleeps and Holden then decides to leave the teachers house without calling the police. While he is walking he happens upon a bar and decides to walk in even though he is sixteen but he has a fake driver’s license and he sees a girl dancing by herself and so he decides to ask her out and it does not end well for him. Holden decides to leave New York for another city because he knows that his family will send him to another prep school. His family might start to miss him since he was their only son and they took him for granted. Before leaving he finds his sister while she is on a field trip in central park and takes her to a merry go round before leaving. Since Holden really cares for Phoebe he explains to her that he is leaving and won’t be coming back and he tells her that he loves her. He also tells Phoebe the dream he had explaining him being a catcher in the rye and how he was catching little kids as they ran off a cliff. After he is done telling her this she asks him if she could go with him when he leaves New York. Finally, the catcher in the rye is a novel that I have read and enjoyed because of the characters and the plot in the novel. â€Å"I will always call it the catcher in the rye of the new generation. †(Jessica sharzer)
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