Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Want to Know More About Act Writing Essay Samples?
Want to Know More About Act Writing Essay Samples? When composing your piece, you are going to want to create your writing as smooth and sophisticated as you can. There's always a possibility that you will order a paper but find a bit of writing that's been stolen or just rewritten from another source. A great prep book can be absolutely the most important study tool you use, and we've got information on all the very best TOEFL prep books you should think about. Writing a report isn't a task that's mean. Act Writing Essay Samples - the Story You should evaluate three unique arguments, you have to come up with your own argument, then you must relate your argument to the 3 arguments given. The concept is to become essay graders to perk up just a little bit when they read your thesis and after that go in the body of your essay having a more positive attitude. A zinger is exactly like a hook, except it's used at the previous sentence of the full essay. You are going to receive a greater score with a conclusion than you'd with a fantastic third paragraph and no conclusion. The goal, really, is to demonstrate that you could write an adequate essay in that moment, and a 10 in each domain proves that just in addition to a 12 does. You will soon locate the official data about us. When it has to do with the writing prompt, the ACT website states The test describes a problem and provides three distinct perspectives on the matter. Generally, an effective response is going to be 150 to 225 words. Top Act Writing Essay Samples Secrets Writing essay may be true headache including all the research and meeting academic standards. Therefore, if you prefer to order any paper writing, we are content to aid you. If you aren't happy, you don't pay for uncompleted writing. Essay writing can be exceedingly stressful. If you ask us for help, you may rest assured your essay is going to be written by real professionals. The same is true for top essay writers. An essay is largely referred to as a fast writing that has to have the correct amount of quality to organize with your readers. All essays will need to start with a rough draft. The attractiveness of Shakespearean works is that every one of them conveys a distinctive social message that is true even today. So it's no longer worth spending a lot of time trying to find the proper service essay. There are many reasons why you ought to prefer our services. You're worried that someone will learn that you've been using writing service. Act Writing Essay Samples and Act Writing Essay Samples - The Perfect Combination Generally speaking, if you're aiming to succeed in something, you should know what exemplary work resembles and attempt to emulate it. You don't need to criticize any of the perspectives to acquire a top scorejust discuss ever y one of their merits, then recognize the perspective you agree with most. Each has three perspectives for you to pick from when making your pick. Because addressing the association between your perspective and a minumum of one of the other few perspectives is an integral component of the essay task, you should be certain to understand what each prompt is saying. No assignment is not possible for our group of expert writers. There's no question that the ACT is essential for high school students who are considering applying to college. Many college applicants make the error of attempting to include all their accomplishments and activities in their application essays. Many of students have needed to seek for writing help before, and we at EduBirdie understand how difficult that may be. The Ultimate Strategy for Act Writing Essay Samples In the cost calculator, select the kind of service you would like to order, the academic degree of the paper, and whether you will need an u rgent essay or not. Many businesses provide essay help throughout the world. The increasing number of essay writing services is totally overwhelming. If you wish to get high high quality research and thesis papers in time and for an affordable price, you should probably attempt using There are several interesting and challenging Shakespeare essay topics to pick from. Unfortunately, it seems weird, so students should search for different methods of getting somebody do my essay for me. If your teacher instructs you to compose a five-paragraph essay, then compose a five-paragraph essay! Act Writing Essay Samples Ideas There's a great likelihood that, sooner or later in the writing of your Essay, you will need to quote the prompt or among the perspectives you're discussing. Keep reading to understand how you're in a place to compose an essay for virtually any faculty class to acquire the'A' you desire. Writing at the level wants a thorough comprehension of the sources. Your score won't be impacted by the perspective you take on the matter.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Honey Bees in the American Colonies Essay - 761 Words
Many people know very little about how honey bees have been apart of our history from colonial times. Why were honey bees important to the colonial beekeeper? How were the bees kept? Does beekeeping now, vary from what it was then? These are all questions that must be asked. The honey bee is a unique insect that has been apart of the history of our country for centuries. Beekeeping has changed over time yet many of the essential results of keeping honey bees are unchanged. Lets look at their similarities and differences. The honey bee is not native to North America. In Notes on Virginia1 Thomas Jefferson stated: â€Å"The honey-bee is not a native of our continent. Marcgrove, indeed, mentions a species of the honey-bee in Brazil. But†¦show more content†¦Primarily the use of honey; the bee’s number one product, was an excellent sweetener5 as sugar was an expensive commodity. Cakes and cornbread might have been enhanced by the presence of honey. The antibacter ial properties may have been used medicinally in colonial homes as well. In the county of Essex, Massachusetts the year 1660 a stand of bees was assessed at five pounds;6 a large sum in those days. This proves that not only their yield of honey and wax, but also the honey bees themselves were greatly valued by the colonists. Used for candles, the wax was desirable because of its clean burn and non drip qualities.7 Other uses for it included waxing furniture, floors, harnesses and a multitude of other equipment. Pollination did not become a major focus until a much later time. The products honey bees produced were a key part of the colonist’s daily lives, very much like they are for us now. Unlike Colonial America the focus of beekeeping today is on large scale pollination of agricultural crops. We still enjoy our honey and value many of the same products but beekeeping is an industry now. The private beekeeper is not the heart of beekeeping in the twenty-first century. We see business men with thousands of bee colonies pollinating hundreds of acres of fruits, nuts and vegetables all across the country; scientific men with the latest news on Colony Collapse Disorder, and all of itShow MoreRelatedHoney Bee Extinction Essay1735 Words  | 7 Pagesglobe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man†(â€Å"Einstein Once Said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). After careful thought on this matter, this can be a scary concept to process. Millions of years have passed with the honey bee gracing the earth, and in fact, the honeybee is the only insect that aids in the production of food that is consumed by the human race (â€Å"20 Amazing Honey Bee Facts!†). Imagine going to a grocery store and there beingRead MoreHoney Bees : An Important Role For Plant Pollination Services For Food Production1271 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The non-native honey bee, Apis mellifera L., plays an important role in plant pollination services, pollinating 90% of commercially insect-pollinated crops (Steffan-Dewenter et al., 2005). Additionally, they produce honey, which is an important international commodity. Understanding the ecology of honey bees is imperative as humans are becoming increasingly reliant on pollination services for food production. With the upsurge of backyard beekeeping (Salkin, 2012) it is imperativeRead MoreSave Our Honey Bees : America s Bees1738 Words  | 7 PagesSave Our Honey Bees America’s bees are slowly beginning to suffer. The number of hives had been at 6 million during World War 2, and then decreased to 2.6 million in 2006, then fell below 2 million for the first time in memory (Jacobsen). From the very start honey bees have been an important factor in our agriculture. They serve as a nutrition source for flowers in order for the flowers to grow and make the crops that are needed. Honey bees had originally originated in Africa and when they cameRead MoreThe Plight of Bees Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pages The Apis Mellifera, or honey bee, have survived on this planet for fifty million years. This species of bee is responsible for pollinating flowers, grass, trees and crops around the world. Much of the food we eat is dependent on honey bees for pollination. Our ecosystem depends on the survival of the honey bee. Colonies of honeybees have been disappearing at an alarming rate around the world due to parasites, viral and bacterial diseases, and th e introduction of pesticides and herbicides. Over theRead MoreHoney Bees And Its Effect On The Agricultural Industry1465 Words  | 6 PagesThe total number of these honey bee colonies has decreased from 5 million in the 1940s to only 2.5 million colonies today. Even though the bee colonies have decreased, the need for pollinators, such as bees, has increased dramatically. Declines in honey bee colony health were provoked further in the 1980s with the arrival of new pathogens and pests. The arrival of Varroa and tracheal mites into the United States during the 1990s created additional stress on the honey bee population. These variousRead MoreThe Colonization Of The Colony Collapse Disorder1036 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: The Colony Collapse Disorder is a strange occurrence in which worker bees from different honeybee colonies just disappear. Honeybees, which are a crucial part of the U.S. agriculture, have been under some drastic stress from the mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder, which is a syndrome defined as a dead colony with no adult bees or dead bee bodies but with a live queen, honey and juvenile bees still present in the hive. A scientific cause for the Colony Collapse Disorder has yet toRead MoreThe Bees Of Honey Bees Essay1329 Words  | 6 Pagesdecrease in honey prices, increased beekeeping operating cost and attrition of pollination services. The other big problem affecting the bees is the impact of disease on bee populations. Like all other animals, the population of honey bees has been impacted largely by diseases and human activities. Bees are especially susceptible to the highly destructive Varroa mite. This small external parasite that plagues honey bees was discovered in 1904. It attacks by attaching itself on the bees before suckingRead MoreThe Effect Of Bee Disease On Growing Health Bee Population Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pagespopulation. Honey bee diseases and bees is a serious threat to growing healthy populations of bees. Like the other animals, the application of intensive farming methods, global movements and increase in bee diseases has done a lot to diminish the population of bees. Bees are especially susceptible to the Varroa mite. This minute external parasite that plagues honey bees was discovered in 1904. It attacks by attaching itself on the bees, before sucking their blood. The after effect leaves t he bees weakerRead MoreHow important are bees in our lives? Bees are small flying insects, buzzing around with its600 Words  | 3 PagesHow important are bees in our lives? Bees are small flying insects, buzzing around with its painful stings which always make people afraid and annoyed. What generally relate with bees are their roles in pollination and producing honey and beeswax. So it seems that bees might be nothing to human as it’s easy to find substitutes for honey as flavoring. However, this perception is mistaken. Without bees, aftermath. Over the past decade bee populations have been dropping drastically. A 40% loss of honeybeesRead MoreThe Natural Resources Defence Council Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pageshave put these creatures in; the extinction of honeybees is mutual destruction for both the bees and humans. Humans are only speeding up the process with a multitude of harmful industries and other aspects. Bees are important for United States consumerism, agriculture, and the environment, yet humans continually abuse them, negatively impacting many important aspects of society and contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder. A multitude of people are poorly educated on honeybees, and put
Monday, December 9, 2019
Greek Mythology (952 words) Essay Example For Students
Greek Mythology (952 words) Essay Greek MythologyGreek Mythology, beliefs and ritual observances of the ancient Greeks, whobecame the first Western civilization about 2000 BC. It consists mainly of abody of diverse stories and legends about a variety of gods. Greek mythology hadbecome fully developed by about the 700s BC. Three classic collections of myths-Theogonyby the poet Hesiod and the Iliad and the Odyssey by the poet Homer-appeared atabout that time. Greek mythology has several distinguishing characteristics. TheGreek gods resembled humans in form and showed human feelings. Unlike ancientreligions such as Hinduism or Judaism, Greek mythology did not involve specialrevelations or spiritual teachings. It also varied widely in practice andbelief, with no formal structure, such as a church government, and no writtencode, such as a sacred book. Principal Gods The Greeks believed that the godschose Mount Olympus, in a region of Greece called Thessaly, as their home. OnOlympus, the gods formed a society that ranked t hem in terms of authority andpowers. However, the gods could roam freely, and individual gods becameassociated with three main domains-the sky or heaven, the sea, and earth. The 12chief gods, usually called the Olympians, were Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Athena,Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hestia, Hermes, Demeter, and Poseidon. Zeuswas the head of the gods, and the spiritual father of gods and people. His wife,Hera, was the queen of heaven and the guardian of marriage. Other godsassociated with heaven were Hephaestus, god of fire and metalworkers; Athena,goddess of wisdom and war; and Apollo, god of light, poetry, and music. Artemis,goddess of wildlife and the moon; Ares, god of war; and Aphrodite, goddess oflove, were other gods of heaven. They were joined by Hestia, goddess of thehearth; and Hermes, messenger of the gods and ruler of science and invention. We will write a custom essay on Greek Mythology (952 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Poseidon was the ruler of the sea who, with his wife Amphitrite, led a group ofless important sea gods, such as the Nereids and Tritons. Demeter, the goddessof agriculture, was associated with the earth. Hades, an important god but notgenerally considered an Olympian, ruled the underworld, where he lived with hiswife, Persephone. The underworld was a dark and mournful place located at thecenter of the earth. It was populated by the souls of people who had died. Dionysus, god of wine and pleasure, was among the most popular gods. The Greeksdevoted many festivals to this earthly god, and in some regions he became asimportant as Zeus. He often was accompanied by a host of fanciful gods,including satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs. Satyrs were creatures with the legs of agoat and the upper body of a monkey or human. Centaurs had the head and torso ofa man and the body of a horse. The beautiful and charming nymphs haunted woodsand forests. Worship and Beliefs Greek mythology emphasized the weakness ofhumans in contrast to the great and terrifying powers of nature. The Greeksbelieved that their gods, who were immortal, controlled all aspects of nature. So the Greeks acknowledged that their lives were completely dependent on thegood will of the gods. In general, the relations between people and gods wereconsidered friendly. But the gods delivered severe punishment to mortals whoshowed unacceptable behavior, such as indulgent pride, extreme ambition, or evenexcessive prosperity. The mythology was interwoven with every aspect of Greeklife. Each city devoted itself to a particular god or group of gods, for whomthe citizens often built temples of worship. They regularly honored the gods infestivals, which high officials supervised. At festivals and other officialgatherings, poets recited or sang great legends and stories. Many Greeks learnedabout the gods through the words of poets. Greeks also learned about the gods byword of mouth at home, where worship was common. Different parts of the homewere dedicated to certain gods, and people offered prayers to those gods atregular times. An altar of Zeus, for example, might be placed in the c ourtyard,while Hestia was ritually honored at the hearth. Although the Greeks had noofficial church organization, they universally honored certain holy places. .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 , .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .postImageUrl , .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 , .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:hover , .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:visited , .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:active { border:0!important; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:active , .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36 .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u06e19f91e1b87424649e1f54ab2cdd36:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ethnocentrism And Cultural Relativism Sample EssayDelphi, for example, was a holy site dedicated to Apollo. A temple built atDelphi contained an oracle, or prophet, whom brave travelers questioned aboutthe future. A group of priests represented each of the holy sites. Thesepriests, who also might be community officials, interpreted the words of thegods but did not possess any special knowledge or power. In addition to prayers,the Greeks often offered sacrifices to the gods, usually of a domestic animalsuch as a goat. Origins Greek mythology probably developed from the primitivereligions of the people of Crete, an island in the Aegean Sea where the regionsfirst civilization arose about 3000 BC. These people believed that all naturalobjects had spirits, and that certain objects, or fetishes, had special magicalpowers. Over time, these beliefs developed into a set of legends involvingnatural objects, animals, and gods with a human form. Some of these legendssurvived as part of classical Greek mythology. The ancient Greeks themselvesoffered some explanations for the development of their mythology. In SacredHistory, Euhemerus, a mythographer from the 300s BC, recorded the widespreadbelief that myths were distortions of history and the gods were heroes who hadbeen glorified over time. The philosopher Prodicus of Ceos taught during the400s BC that the gods were personifications of natural phenomena, such as thesun, moon, winds, and water. Herodotus, a Greek historian who lived during the400s BC, believed that many Greek rituals were inherited from the Egyptians. AsGreek civilization developed, particularly during the Hellenistic period, whichbegan about 323 BC, the mythology also changed. New philosophies and theinfluence of neighboring civilizations caused a gradual modification of Greekbeliefs. However, the essential characteristics of the Greek gods and theirlegends remain unchanged. See Also Aegean Civilization. BibliographyGreek Mythology, Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 98 Encyclopedia. (c)1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Internet Economy Essays - Cultural Globalization,
The Internet Economy T he internet, the world wide data connection that has caught on like a wild fire sweeping through a parched California forest, has wide ranging implications on our world economy. Locally, we have witnessed staggering swings of fortune in more ?dot-com? firms than any other form of business in American history. The old adage of that ?American Dream? - starting a business in the garage to see it one day be listed on the stock exchange is truer now than at any other time in our short history as well. While many still feel that the internet is simply a ?fad? that will fade out as consumers tire of on-line shopping, most are resigned to the fact that the computer age is finally found a foothold into the masses ? a true consumer product as inseparable in the modern household as the television and telephone. The fact that it isn't being called the ?telenet? may be more a matter of poor timing than a marketing gaffe. As the data-stream (?bandwidth? in internet parlance) becomes more efficient ? read that as ?fast,? other uses of the internet will boom. No longer will the internet be just for buying and selling merchandise, chatting with friends and family, or gaining insight into the latest sexual technique, but will become a truly real-time and practical ?multi-media? tool. Video data, currently suited only for the occasional voyeuristic views with choppy, grainy images reminiscent of our parents/grandparents 8mm movies, will one day (soon, I predict) become a window to the world. The video phone ? a product most of us in my age group thought would have become reality long before now - will finally become commonplace. With video, audio and other input devices at one's disposal, doctor's will again make ?house calls,? and visits to far off friends and relatives will nearly suffice for the real thing (a rekindling of the infamous ?smell-o-vision? system to transmit the aroma of Grandma's fresh app le pie baking in the oven, perhaps?). The uses are nearly as endless as ones imagination, and is a field where current state-of-the-art has only touched the surface of what can and will be achieved over a very short period of time. So what does all this high tech wizardry have to do with the economy? Just about everything, actually. Already governments across the globe are clamoring to be the first to find a practical method of taxation into this new world wide interchange system. Hopefully, the Genie has long since been out of the bottle on that one? Shopping malls, already feeling the effects of internet commerce, may be forced to radically change their business structure or face certain failure. The parcel delivery systems are feeling the effects as well as a dramatic increase of flow is being realized directly through internet sales. As fuel prices continue to climb, video conferencing, once reserved for the well-healed companies will make sense for even the smallest of companies. The ramifications of the internet are wide ranging and will certainly impact nearly every human being on the face of this planet. What a marvelous time to be living in to see one of the single biggest technological advances come to fruition. While the telephone made the world a much smaller place to live in, the internet has taken the meaning of distance out of the equation completely. The economy? It's the internet, stupid? Bibliography
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Fitness and testing Sport Essays
Fitness and testing Sport Essays Fitness and testing Sport Essay Fitness and testing Sport Essay Emma takes insulin. ‘With exercise, insulin is not readily released from the pancreas due to the lowered blood glucose levels. ’ ( preventionpt. com/PIfolder/Mini%20Paper%20August. htm) Your body needs insulin along with carbohydrate to produce glucose for energy during exercise. If this is not produced it may force Emma to stop exercising.  © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. [43] BTEC National Sport Assessment and Delivery Resource Grading The student’s answer covers all the essential content of criteria P2 and P3, i. e. preparing and using a health screening questionnaire. Although the questionnaire has some clear limitations, for example, lack of scales to aid differentiation of answers and possibly help description for M2, the criteria have been met. For M2 (part) the student has included some description of the strengths and areas for improvement for the two individuals. However, to gain a Merit (M2 part), they would have needed more description of their findings. There is little information on the levels/amounts of strengths and areas for improvement, which would aid the description of the individual. As an example, they could have described how many cigarettes Julie smoked each day and how many years she had been smoking. This would have provided a clearer picture of her status. This lack of quantification is a result of shortcomings in the design of the questionnaire. To achieve a Distinction (D1 part), the student would have needed to evaluate the health screening questionnaires. : There is some evaluation within the text because some consequences for the individuals are discussed. However, there is a lack of depth and expansion of the findings. To aid the evaluation the student should support their findings with appropriate literature, for example, exploring the possible health implications of eating too many fatty foods. This could be a magazine article on coronary heart disease, which they could feed back to the individual. The student should also provide recommendations for lifestyle improvement. For example, the student could suggest that the client could seek medical help to stop smoking, and could undertake a supervised exercise programme to improve their fitness at a local fitness centre. [44]  © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. Unit 6: Fitness testing for sport and exercise Unit 1 Further resources Websites Netfit, www. netfit. co. uk/tymen. htm – guide to health and fitness. Good links to future training recommendations. Peak Performance, www. pponline. co. uk. Specialises in a wide range of sports in relation to fitness testing. Sports coach, www. brianmac. demon. co. uk. Brian Mackenzie, the UKs highly experienced senior athletics coach, provides fitness and training advice for athletes. Rob Woods Guide to Fitness Testing, www. topendsports. com/testing/ A comprehensive site on all things to do with fitness testing, including discussions and descriptions of over 30 fitness tests. Texts Howley, E. T. and B. D. Franks (1992). Health fitness instructors’ handbook. Human Kinetics. Macdougall, J. D. , H. A. Wenger and H. J. Green (1991). Physiological testing of the high performance athlete. Human Kinetics. Morrow, J. R. , A. W Jackson, J. G. Disch nd D. P. Mood (1995). Measurement and evaluation in human performance. Human Kinetics. Safrit, M. J. (1995). Complete guide to youth fitness testing. Human Kinetics. Skinner, J. S. (1993). Exercise testing and exercise prescription for special cases. Lippincott, Williams Wilkins. YMCA (2000). Fitness testing and assessment manual. Human Kinetics. Supplementary texts British Association of advisers and lecturers in physical education (1999). Safe practice in physical education. Dudley LEA. Dalgleish, J. , S. Dollery and H. Frankham (2001). The health and fitness handbook: Longman Egger, G. , N. Champion and A. Bolton (1999). The fitness leader’s handbook. A C Black. Inbar, O. , O. Bar-or and J. S. Skinner (1996). The Wingate anaerobic test. Human Kinetics  © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free sample - Cancer. translation missing
Cancer. CancerCancer can be defined as the abnormal growth of cells as they tend to grow rapidly in such a way that the growth cannot be controlled, in some cases this can spread throughout the body. Cancer is not a single disease but a group of many different and distinctive diseases. It has been found that cancer can involve any body tissue and in each area of the body it has many varied forms. Cancers are usually named according to the type of organ or cell in which they attack, such that even if it metastasizes, the evolving tumor assumes the same name as the primary tumor. Research has also shown that the frequency of a particular type of cancer may be determined by gender, for instance prostate cancer affects men while breast cancer affects women. Other cancers such as skin cancer and lung cancer are for both men and women. In the United States lung cancer has been found to be major cause of death for both men and women (Lasser, et al. 2006). It is of great significance for an individual to understand the causes of cancer, for instance, the risk behaviors and substances that can lead to acquisition of cancer. This is because most people indulge in behaviors that put them into vey high risk of developing cancer when they are not aware, such that if they are informed about the causes and dangers of cancer, there is a likelihood of quitting from the risk behaviors. Cancer can be caused by environmental exposure to mutagenic agents, geographical influences, particular lifestyle in a given population setup, and even the use of some drugs Crawshaw (2007). It has been found that certain occupations have been linked with higher risk of developing cancer. This is due to the exposure to mutagenic agents in the immediate environment. For instance, in the 18th century, there was an observation made in a British factory where bladder cancer affected all the men who were involved in distilling 2-napthylamine. In the chimney sweeps, the workers are exposed to coal and tar which brings about the development of scrotal cancer. Leather working, woodworking, and nickel refining have been associated with high risk of particular cancers due to persistent exposure to carcinogenic substances in the chemicals used. Mustard gas, which was used as a chemical warfare agent in the World War I, was found to be very dangerous as it was associated with increased risk of lung cancer and the various cancers along the respiratory tract. The mustard gas possesses mutagenic properties. Since the research showed that this gas was dangerous to the well being of huma n life, until today the gas is no longer in use as a chemical warfare agent. Therefore it is important to be aware of the substances that are associated with development of cancer and keep distance from the same (Pearlin, 1992). Research carried out by Crawshaw (2007), has shown that particular cancers are common in different geographical regions around the world, for instance, among the Japanese men, the cancer of the stomach is 5 to 6 times higher due to the persistent consumption of foods which have undergone fermentation. Among the American women, it has been found that breast cancer is about 20 times higher due to the American diet which contains high fat content, for example the pizza. Among the Africans it has been found that liver cancer is about 10 times higher, and this is associated with increased frequency of Hepatitis B infection. Cancer of the may also develop due to aflatoxin compound which is a food contamination formed by fungi. The compound occurs mostly in grain stores within the tropical and subtropical areas due to high moisture content of grains.    The most common example of cancer that is frequent and fatal is lung cancer. Lung cancer can be caused by benzo[a]-pyrene compound which is one the most powerful carcinogens in humans. This compound is found in tobacco smoke which also contains tar. The tar in cigarettes comprises of both initiators and promoters, making it peculiarly dangerous. Alcohol is also dangerous to human life since it acts as a promoter of carcinogenesis just like asbestos does (Calle Kaaks, 2004). References Calle, E. E. Kaaks, R. (2004). Overweight, obesity and cancer: epidemiological evidence  and proposed mechanisms. Nature Reviews Cancer, 4: 579-591. Crawshaw, P. (October 2007). â€Å"Governing the Healthy Male Citizen: Men, masculinity and Popular Health in â€Å"Men's Health.†Magazine of Social Science Medicine, Vol. 65,   no. 8; p. 1606-18. Lasser, K. E., et. al. (July 2006). â€Å"Access to Care, Health Status, and Health Disparities in the United States and Canada: Results of a Cross-National Population-Based Survey.† American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 96(7); p. 1300-7. Pearlin, L., I. (1992). â€Å"Structure and Meaning in Medical Sociology†Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Vol. 33(1), p. 1-9.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Give a history of the Catholic church on the death penalty and note Research Paper
Give a history of the Catholic church on the death penalty and note how it has changed over time - Research Paper Example What amount or kind of punishment is publicly justifiable and can make it principle and standard is a question rising in the minds of many people. It is only principle that can definitely assign both the quantity and quality of a just penalty. A crime deserves punishment but the punishment given depends on the gravity of the crime. Many people have mixed reviews on death penalty and most of them are against this kind of punishment. Death penalty abolishment has it s roots in the liberal utilitarian government and humanistic ideas spawned by the enlightenment in Europe at the end of eighteenth century. Utilitarian believed that punishment should not be worse than crime and hence was against death penalty. Same is the case with Catholic Church as Bible preached killing as a sin. Jesus was against death penalty and so was Pope John Paul. U.S. Catholic bishops were against death penalty and reminded the fellow Christians to remember the teaching of Christ and condemn death penalty. The C oncept of Death Penalty Death penalty is of ancient origin. Death penalty otherwise known as capital punishment has its meaning derived from Latin word â€Å"head punishment†. Capital punishment is a procedure where in beheading is done to the criminal as a method of execution. The death penalty has its origin in England and was transported to American colonies during the 17th and 18th centuries. The death penalty has existed in American soil for almost four centuries and has given way to 20,000 executions. The capital crime in those days were quiet long and the proportion of offenders actually executed were uncertain.Untill the end of 18th century there was no opposition to death penalty in America. The death penalty is the oldest form of punishment known to human kind. Death penalty existed even before criminal law was formulated and when aristocratic rule existed. Death penalty was a common practice in England during the time of writing constitution. According to death pen alty the criminal is killed by being shot, hung or beheading. However most of the states in America preferred to execute the criminals by hanging. According to (Dunehew)â€Å"In 1972, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down every state death penalty statute in the nation, it was declared to be â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment†and a violation of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution†. Death penalty gives importance to human life and punishes people who take life of others. Murdering someone is against the law of God and it can be compensated only by giving hard punishment to the guilty. History of Death Penalty During seventeenth and eighteenth century, the English colonist implemented death penalty as punishment for various crimes which might look shocking today. It was given for crimes like treason, rape, burglary, manslaughter, robbery, counterfeiting, theft and arson. All these became capital crime in American colonies as well. The colonial American considered theft as same as murder and all were counted in the same hierarchy and given capital punishment. In that century, life was cheap and times were rude. The people of seventeenth century were greatly influenced by political and religious views and did not think independently. Colonial Americans were not blindly following death penalty but understood the reason and purpose it served. The North American colonial law was variant from English law as it was more lenient than the latter. In England, murder and rape was given
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Corporate Finance Nautilus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Corporate Finance Nautilus - Research Paper Example The appropriate discount rate is 6.04%, which is the weighted average cost of capital. The present value of the firm with this discount factor and the predicted cash flows is $12,885,000. Introduction Nautilus Inc. is a Consumer Fitness Products Company founded in 1986 and headquartered in Vancouver, Washington. The company was incorporated in 1993 in the state of Washington. The company targets individuals and enthusiasts who wish to enjoy the benefits of regular exercise and thereby improve their health. The company sells its products through two channels – direct and retail. The main objective of corporate finance is to maximize the value of shareholders by making proper investment and financing decisions. This paper examines the extent to which Nautilus has been successful in meeting this objective, and whether the stocks of the company represent a safe and worthwhile investment. Observations In order to evaluate the performance and financial status of the company, some of the important financial ratios, trends and market information were collected and analyzed. Some of the important financial figures for a period of five years between 2007 and 2011 are shown in Appendix-1. Relevant ratios have been calculated and are shown in Appendix-2. Sales The growth in sales for the year ended December 31, 2011 was 7.1% over the figures of 2010. However, for the three preceding years the growth has been negative. The trend has been good, and in each year the negative growth has been reduced, and the growth rate has become positive in 2011. The company operates in two segments, namely direct sales and retail sales. The segment wise sales figures for the years 2010 and 2011 are shown in Table-1. It can be seen that direct sales constituted almost 60% of the total sales, while retail sales made up the remaining 40%. A small portion of the total income has come from royalty. A look at the distribution of the sales shows that cardio products accounted for the major portion of the sales accounting for 42% of the direct sales in 2011 and 32% in 2010. Overall, cardio products accounted for 66.35% in 2011. Cardio products have also shown a healthy growth in direct sales but a small decline in retail sales. Strength products accounted for 31.02% in 2011. Percentage of Total Year Ended December 31, 2011 2010 Change % Change 2011 2010 Direct net sales: Cardio products (1) $75,982 $54,409 $21,573 39.60% 42.12% 32.30% Strength products (2) 31,079 42,259 -11,180 -26.50% 17.23% 25.09% Total Direct net sales 107,061 96,668 10,393 10.80% 59.34% 57.39% Retail net sales: Cardio products (1) 43,718 43,628 90 0.20% 24.23% 25.90% Strength products (2) 24,873 24,161 712 2.90% 13.79% 14.34% Total Retail net sales 68,591 67,789 802 1.20% 38.02% 40.24% Royalty income 4,760 3,993 767 19.20% 2.64% 2.37% Total net sales $180,412 $168,450 $11,962 7.10% 100.00% 100.00% Table-1 Distribution and Growth of Sales1 Equity Growth and Profitability Equity investors are concern ed primarily with the return on their investment and the growth of their wealth. Various profitability ratios and equity growth are showninTable-2 Profitability 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Return on
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Steps in a jury trial Essay Example for Free
Steps in a jury trial Essay A jury trial is a manifestation of democracy, wherein ordinary citizens have their cases heard and deliberated by people like themselves. A jury trial, based on the idea of an impartial jury, can serve justice, because they are mandated to deliberate on the facts of the case alone. This paper analyzes the steps in a jury trial, including the constitutional trial rights that are enacted during a jury trial. The jury trial rights are expressed in the U.S. Constitution in three ways: the grand jury, the criminal jury, and the civil jury. The Fifth Amendment provides the right to a grand jury: â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Sixth Amendment states the importance of an â€Å"impartial†and fair jury to criminal proceedings: â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Seventh Amendment asserts the right of the people to a civil jury: â€Å"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This paper proceeds to the steps in a jury trial. The first step is the selection of a jury. The trial court judge mails a request to a panel of prospective jurors to attend the jury assembly room for the purposes of the jury selection process (Judicial Council of California [JCC], 2010). After the arrival of the jurors, the judge and lawyers ask the jurors questions for the purpose of assessing, whether the jurors are free of bias, or prejudice, or anything that might obstruct with their ability to be fair and impartial, in a process called voir dire. It is important to find a fair and impartial jury, which the Sixth Amendment asserts. The Fifth Amendment also stresses that the accused in a criminal case has a right to a trial by a fair and impartial jury.In essence, the right to jury trial guarantees to the criminally accused a fair trial by a panel of impartial, indifferent jurors.[1] The law permits the judge and the lawyers to â€Å"excuse†some jurors from service for diverse reasons (JCC, 2010).    If a lawyer seeks to have a juror excused, he or she must use a challenge to excuse the juror (JCC, 2010).   There are two kinds of challenges: for cause or peremptory. Under a for cause challenge, the law provides several reasons that jurors may be excused â€Å"for cause†(JCC, 2010). For example, a juror who is related to one of the parties in the case may be excused for cause. There is no limit to the number of for cause challenges. As for a peremptory challenge, this is a challenge given without the need to provide a reason. The law provides only 10 peremptory challenges in criminal cases and 6 in civil cases (Code of Civil Procedure sec. 231 as cited in JCC, 2010). The procedure of questioning and excusing jurors will continue, until 12 persons are chosen as the jurors for the trial (JCC, 2010). The second step is the trial itself. There are three main duties of the juror: 1) Jurors should not speak to others about the case, especially the lawyers and parties from either side, and even with their family and friends. It is important to avoid being influenced by other people who have not heard the whole facts of the case; 2) Jurors should not make a conclusion about the case without hearing all the facts.  Jurors should only discuss their opinions with fellow jurors and it is their duty to deliberate the facts of the case; 3) Jurors should not conduct a personal investigation of the case (JCC, 2010). If they have questions about the evidence, they should ask the bailiff about it, and he/she will make further decisions (JCC, 2010). During the trial, the jurors will listen to the opening statements of the lawyers (JCC, 2010).   The lawyer for the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecutor in a criminal case may make an opening statement which expresses their viewpoints about the evidence (JCC, 2010).   The defendants lawyer may also provide an opening statement after the plaintiffs attorney (JCC, 2010).  Afterwards, the lawyers will present the evidence, in forms of written documents or objects, which will all be called as Exhibits (JCC, 2010).  After the presentation of the evidence, the lawyers will present their closing arguments (JCC, 2010). A critical part of the jury trial is the deliberation. After a trial, the jury proceeds to an assigned private room to discuss evidence and testimony, so that it can reach a verdict. Jurors also have a duty to select a foreperson. The jury should select a competent foreperson. The forepersons responsibility is to see that discussion is facilitated in an organized manner, all issues are completely and freely deliberated, and all jurors are allowed to freely participate in the discussions (JCC, 2010). The final stage in a jury trial is the verdict. All jurors should discuss and vote on each issue of the case. In a civil case, the judge will inform the jurors how many of them must agree in order to reach a verdict. In a criminal case, the unanimous agreement of all 12 jurors is compulsory (JCC, 2010).[2] People have a right to a jury trial, wherein the jury is impartial and fair. The Constitution provides for this right, as well as the rights of the jurors to have an open and complete deliberation on the facts of the case. The jurors, thus, must be aware of their rights and duties. Being a juror means that they are expected to be people of integrity and to seriously pursue their duties. For in every verdict they provide, lay the fate of fair and truthful convictions. References Dennis v. United States, 339 U.S. 162, 171-172, 94 L.Ed. 734, 742, 70 S. Ct. 519 (1950). Fifth Amendment.(no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 722, 6 L.Ed. 2d 751, 755, 81 S. Ct. 1639 (1961). Judicial Council of California (JCC). (2010). Trial process: Three main steps of a jury trial. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Seventh Amendment. (no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Sixth Amendment. (no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from United States District Court . (no date). The Eastern District of North Carolina, New Bern Division. [1] See Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 722, 6 L.Ed. 2d 751, 755, 81 S. Ct. 1639 (1961). [2] What happens when there is no verdict? â€Å"If a jury cannot arrive at a verdict within a reasonable time and indicates to the judge that there is no possibility that they can reach a verdict, the judge, in his or her discretion, may dismiss the jury. This situation is a mistrial, sometimes referred to as a hung jury, and may mean the case goes to trial again with a new jury†(JCC, 2010).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
evilmac Evil Defined in Shakespeares Macbeth and Beowulf :: comparison compare contrast essays
Evil Defined in Macbeth and Beowulf For centuries evil was defined by human preoccupation, and it was often indicated in the English literature. From Beowulf to Macbeth, people's perception on the nature of evil had matured and became more complex. In Beowulf's period, evil was simply defined based on outer appearances and actions. The author of Beowulf described the evil Grendel as a fearsome monster: "He(with sharp claws)...snatched up thirty men, smashed them." For the same reason, Grendel's mother was also considered evil although she merely wanted to revenge her son. The last evil character in the story was the Dragon. He killed the Geats and burned their homes with his breath of fire. Monster and evil certainly had the same meaning in the Pre-Christian time. As Christian was introduced, a new definition of evil that concentrated on human values and thoughts had emerged. The Christian believed that the seven deadly sins were the cause of evil. Thus in the play Macbeth, Macbeth's tragic flaws were actually the deadly sins. They were greedy and envy. Macbeth was not satisfied with his current position, "Thane of Glamis," and not even his newly gained "Thane of Cawdor" would please him. He had only one thing on his mind, the throne. When he became the king, he envied Banquo's having heirs who would be rivals for the throne. The Christian also developed the theory of the great chain of being. It basically stated that a person could not and was not allowed to change his social status. Thus in the play, everyone eventually turned against Macbeth, who had broken the great chain of being by taking the throne from the rightful king. At the end, Macbeth died as an evil being who had broken all the Christian rules. The nature of evil also became unclear as it got more complex. In Macbeth, the play began with the three witches' meeting. To a first-time reader, it would appear that these "weird sister" were the evil ones, because it was a common human perception. Who could be more evil than a witch who vowed to punish a sailor only because his wife cursed her and refused to give her some
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Glory of women Essay
Siegfried Sassoons Glory of Women is a poem depicting the roles which women played during World War I. The poem is made up of a series of sarcastic statements about women. Sassoon attempts to use these statements to convey the cruel and ironic side of the war that women do not tend to see. Glory of Women is a war-time lyric, constructed of 14 lines, with a varied rhyme scheme of ABABABAB CDECDE making it a Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet. It is divided into two sections, the octave which consists of the first eight lines, and the sestet the final six lines. It is written in iambic pentameter, which helps clarify the meaning of the poem as you read it. The title of the poem itself is ambiguous, posing the question whether womens roles during war are glorious as the soldiers on the battlefield. A number of techniques were used in this poem to communicate Sassoons idea of emotional truth about the war. Sassoon speaks directly to the readers by writing in second person You, an attempt to involve the readers and bring attention to those he directed this poem at women. He also uses assonance which creates a euphonious effect when being read. The poem begins with a praising tone, with sarcasm and bitterness scattered throughout the rest of its content. You love us when we’re heroes, home on leave, Or wounded in a mentionable place. depicts womens ignorance in regards to war, believing soldiers to be heroes only when they are wounded in a mentionable place. The Great War offered many job opportunities for women that had long been denied them. You make us shells. portray the many women who were recruited into munitions factories during the war. This line is ironic in a sense that it is the shells that kill the soldiers, whether they be British or German. It is a juxtaposition to line 8 And mourn our laurelled memories when we’re killed, depicting that the women make shells that kill soldiers, and are therefore further heating the conflict of war, creating more deaths and mourning. Strong imageries were presented in the final three lines of the poem, a German mother knitting socks for her son while he lay dead in the mud. This imagery shows the ignorance and how much knowledge and experience women have about the truth of war. It is intended to distress those women who tend to spend time at home, and have no idea of the brutality of war that Sassoon and many other soldiers had experienced. This imagery is also a contrast of women and mens roles during The Great War. Sassoon is anguished by the fact that women sit at home comfortably while soldiers are risking their lives on the battlefield. The imageries from the final three lines also depict that whether it be British or German, the soldiers are all individuals. His face is trodden deeper in the mud. allowed readers to empathize with the honour that dead soldiers often receive. German soldiers also have women to mourn their laurelled memories when they are killed. The emotions that Sassoon portrayed in this poem are both horrifying and miserable. Trampling the terrible corpses – blind with blood. describes the realism of war, in contrast to By tales of dirt and danger fondly thrilled. Sassoon believes that women perceive war as a heroic story, where in reality it is full of blood and violence. Therefore, the title and the content of this compelling and powerful poem are written in pure irony. In Sassoons opinion, women cannot earn glory by knitting at home, nor by making shells that encourage further killings. The use of narration in second person effectively leaves readers with an understanding of the brutality of war, and an insight into the roles which women played during World War I. References Sassoon, S. Glory of Women, The Norton Anthology of Literature vol. 2, 2000. Kanaya, T. Sassoon’s Use of Irony in â€Å"Glory of Women†,, 1997. Lehr, A. On Glory Of Women by Siegfried Sassoon,, 1999.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Life of a prisoner in 1800’s Essay
The life of a prisoner was very different from that of today’s prisons. The prisoners were treated as animals and considered less of a human because of their lawlessness. They were made to right the wrongs that they have committed either through â€Å"physical pain applied in degrading, often ferociously cruel ways, and endured mutilation, or was branded, tortured, put to death; he was mulcted in fines, deprived of liberty, or adjudged as a slave†(Griffiths 157). Therefore, prisons were a product of the latter punishment, which meant the accused and convicted must be deprived of his or her liberty and declared a slave to society. When in prison, the life of the accused was not as strict as today’s. There were windows that the prisoners could look through in order to beg for charity from the people walking by, and â€Å"sometimes prisoners would be allowed to sell things at the prison gates†(Rodgers 91). Although there are many differences between the life of a prison in the 1700’s and the life of a prisoner today, there are also many similarities. Each accused individual was captured by the police and taken to the nearest holding cell. These cells were in prisons called ‘local prisons.†The individual was then let free or convicted of his or her crime. If convicted, the individual was taken to the closest ‘common prison.’ During the 1700’s there were only local holding jails, common prisons, and houses of correction; later, during the 1800’s prisons became more separated and prisoners were assigned to the appropriate prison. The convicted were not stripped of their belongings like in today’s prisons, but they were searched for weapons or objects that could be used to escape. Once inside, the prisoner was assigned a small cell made of hard walls, floors covered in dirt and rodents, and a bed. If the prisoner was lucky, this bed consisted of a tiny hammock tied to opposite walls, but often times it was made of a wooden bench or the floor. For meals the prisoners were barely fed, but if they were, small rations of bread and water were given. Many times the prisoners died of starvation and dehydration
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Dispicable thats all you can decribe it. You look around and its like the population of man has been wiped out. Essays
Dispicable thats all you can decribe it. You look around and its like the population of man has been wiped out. Essays Dispicable thats all you can decribe it. You look around and its like the population of man has been wiped out. Essay Dispicable thats all you can decribe it. You look around and its like the population of man has been wiped out. Essay Essay Topic: As You Like it Dispicable thats all you can decribe it. You look around and its like the population of man has been wiped out. News papers blowing in the wind glass bottles struned about, needles and everything you can thing of just left on the floor. Not a persons footstep can be hurd. Not a childs lafter. Slience thats all, complete silence, And the reason for the deadly silence is that its 6.30. No one dare go out or make a sound after this time. Six months ago the place would have been buzzin with life on a warm day like this but now that cannot be. To explain why we would have to go back about a year to 2020, when things were just starting to look bright. Carla applyed a last coat of mascara and looked in the mirro t check her jeans were fiting right, her top wasnt creased and that she was looking fine. It was a tippical friday night and she was goin out with her friends, the wind was blowing and it was drisseling out side but that didnt bother her. She shouted goodbye to her mum as she shut the door and headed down the road to the park were they all met. There was about 20 of them that met up every friday, She waled down the bumpy path to the darkened park were there was alredy about 10 people laffing and gigleing. hey, anyone got anything yet? shouted carla. Not yet, we are goin for sum now someone out of the group. The group set off down to the offlicence and hung about outside asking general people if they would go in for them. This was an anoying thing for older people who did not like to be asked, it took about fithteen minutes before a reluctant peron who felt threatened but the every growing gang to agree to go in the shop for them. Once the gang had all there alcohol they set off back down to the park to get completly drunk and wait for Sip to come down. They called the tall dark man Sip as they didnt know his name or anythign about him, Sip stood for someone inparticular. They hung about the park being noisy and getin ever more drunk as they consumed deadly ammount of spirits mixed with numerous ammounts of other things. Then about nine thirty SIP came down everyone rushed to greet him and buy some stuff of him Carla bought some new pills he had and took them on top of the huge ammout of vodka and wkd she had drunk. soon she was starting to feel ill and didnt like what was happeneing. The next thing she remebers was waking up in hospital. Her friend Pippa was there and explained the poliece has come down and Broke up there fun, (noting usual there they seemed to spend every friday night just breaking up groups of underage drinkers) they had found Carla slumped on a bench semi conshious and has rushed her to hospital. This kind of thing was happeneing to so many teens each week that the government was getin anchious and needed to do something about it. They decided that there would be no way to stop it and they actually go quite alot of tax off it. They decided to legalise underage drinking and certain drugs but they would make safe places for the teens to do it in. A few months later the first UADC (under age drinking club) was opened near to wear Carla lived. All the group that usually went on the park was now goin to go there with parental permission. Again Carla took one last look at herself in the mirror and shouted goodbye as she went throught the door. There group headed off up the road all buzzing with excitment at what it would be like. they got there and there was tvs, dvds all sorts of things and most important a bar. They enjoyed it the first cuppleof times then th novelty started to wear off but they still contined to go, the only problem was that they were only allowed so much and on the streets they were alowed what they wanted. The people who run the place soon saw the lack ofinterest and how some of the teens wernt coming anymore so they decide to up the ammout they could have and thought opening it on a saturday as well as a friday would help. As it was not proving to be a sucsess they opened it on a wednestday in the hope more teens would come and they did moreand more were sending all there money they had on drink. This came with its problems. It was thursday and Carla and Pippa had no money for the next night at the UADC neither did alot of her friends. Carla and pippa decided to pinch some money from a dish in Carals kitchen were her mum kept the shopping money. This was just were things started to go wrong. At the club they allowed the teens to smoke marajuana. Carla needed money for this as well. Some of the group decided to get some stronger drugs off Sip and then go to the club; this soom cought on and all most everyone from the group that hung about on the park was doing it. If they couldnt have as much alchol as they used to they would compremise they would have srong drugs befor and then go to the club have marajuana and drink beer. As more teens came the club added some more days so now it was open friday,saturday,monday,wednesday. Caral and her friends had no money they had been going to the club for about 3 months and had spent all there saving. One day Carla and Pippa went into the town and stole some thing ou t of the shops and then sold them at school to get money for the drugs and alchol. They didnt see them selfs as addicted but actuallt there was about 100 teens that were all addicted to drungs and alchol the crime level was soring. The governmet had to do somethign they closed down the UADC emmidiatly but didnt knwo what else to do. Carla and her friends were skipping school as there hangovers were to bad in a moring to go. After they had recoved from there hangovers they went out into town to stal some things to sell on for dung and beer money it was a vishios circle and when the club was closed they just went back to goin ot the park and anywere on the streets. Soon everyone moved on from shops to houses were there was gold and jewls worth alot more. People were terrifed to go out the teens were out of controle people were mugged and if they had nothin beeten up. There cravings drove them to do the lowest of things. Reversing the legisation made thigns worse as they just went out on to the streets in houseing ares left bottles and needles. People learnt that about 6pm the teens (that has squatted in peoples houses removing the families) came out of there comatosed states and were craving for more alchol and drugs. people didnt wak around or draw attention to there houses throught fear of attack. the government now has to pay the price of a contry living in fear and teens ever more growing to controle the areas they lived in.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
LAnse aux Meadows - Evidence for Vikings in Canada
L'Anse aux Meadows - Evidence for Vikings in Canada LAnse aux Meadows is the name of an archaeological site that represents a failed Viking colony of Norse adventurers from Iceland, in Newfoundland, Canada and occupied for somewhere between three and ten years. It is the first identified European colony in the new world, predating Christopher Columbus by nearly 500 years. Key Takeaways: L'Anse aux Meadows  LAnse aux Meadows is an archaeological site in Newfoundland, Canada, where the first evidence was discovered of Vikings (Norse) in North America.The colony only lasted three to 10 years before it failed. There are at least a half-dozen other brief occupations in the Baffin Island region that appear to also be Norse sites of the same age, 1000 CE. The ancestors of the First People of Canada had been living in the region since at least 6,000 years ago and were using Newfoundland island for summer homes at the time the Vikings landed. Climate and Pre-Norse Occupations The site is located in Newfoundland on the edge of the Strait of Belle Isle, across which lies the southern Labrador coast and the lower North Shore of Quebec. The climate is largely arctic, a forest-tundra, and it is regularly locked in by ice over the long winters. Summers are foggy, short, and cool. The region was first occupied about 6,000 years ago, by Maritime Archaic people who practiced a broad subsistence strategy, hunting both land and sea animals. and plants. Between 3,500 and 2,000 years ago, people primarily dependent on hunting marine mammals lived in the Belle Isle straits region, and about 2,000 years ago, the region was shared by both terrestrial hunting Recent Indian and Paleoeskimo populations. When the Norse arrived, the Paleoeskimos had left: but the Recent Indian people were still using the land. These Straits residents probably visited the region for brief periods of time during the summers, hunting birds (cormorant, guillemot, eider and black ducks), and living in tents heated with stone hearths. The Historic Tale of lAnse aux Meadows Around the turn of the 19th century, Canadian historian W.A. Munn pored over medieval Icelandic manuscripts, reports by the 10th century CE Vikings. Two of them, the Greenlander Saga and Eriks Saga reported on the explorations of Thorvald Arvaldson, Erik the Red (more properly Eirik), and Leif Erikson, three generations of a rather cranky family of Norse mariners. According to the manuscripts, Thorvald fled a murder charge in Norway and eventually settled in Iceland; his son Erik fled Iceland under a similar charge and settled Greenland; and Eiriks son Leif (the Lucky) took the family westward still, and circa AD 998 he colonized a land he called Vinland, Old Norse for land of grapes. Leifs colony remained at Vinland for between three and ten years, before they were chased away by constant attacks from the residents, ancestors of the First People of Canada called Skraelings by the Norse; and Recent Indians by archaeologists. Munn believed that the most likely site for the colony was on the island of Newfoundland, arguing that Vinland did not refer to grapes, but rather to grass or grazing land, since grapes dont grow in Newfoundland. Rediscovering the Site In the early 1960s, archaeologists Helge Ingstad and his wife Anne Stine Ingstad undertook a close survey of the coastlines of Newfoundland and Labrador. Helge Ingstad, a Norse investigator, had spent the majority of his career studying Northern and Arctic civilizations and was following up on research into the Viking explorations of the 10th and 11th centuries. In 1961, the survey paid off, and the Ingstads discovered an indisputably Viking settlement near Epave Bay and named the site LAnse aux Meadows, or Jellyfish Cove, a reference to the stinging jellyfish found in the bay. Eleventh-century Norse artifacts recovered from lAnse aux Meadows numbered in the hundreds and included a soapstone spindle whorl and a bronze-ringed pin process, as well as other iron, bronze, stone, and bone items. Radiocarbon dates placed the occupation at the site between ~990-1030 AD. Living at LAnse aux Meadows LAnse aux Meadows was not a typical Viking village. The site consisted of three building complexes and a bloomery, but no barns or stables that would be associated with farming. Two of the three complexes consisted solely of a large hall or longhouse and a small hut; the third added a small house. It appears that elites resided in one end of the large hall, ordinary sailors slept in sleeping areas within the halls and servants, or, more likely, slaves resided in the huts. The buildings were constructed in the Icelandic style, with heavy sod roofs supported by interior posts. The bloomery was a simple iron smelting furnace within a small subterranean hut and a pit charcoal kiln. In the large buildings were sleeping areas, a carpentry workshop, a sitting room, a kitchen, and storage. LAnse aux Meadows housed between 80 to 100 individuals, probably up to three ship crews; all of the buildings were occupied at the same time. Based on the reconstructions accomplished by Parks Canada at the site, a total of 86 trees were felled for posts, roofs, and furnishings; and 1,500 cubic feet of sod was required for the roofs. LAnse aux Meadows Today Since the discovery of lAnse aux Meadows, archaeological research has found additional evidence of Norse settlement in the area, a handful of sites on Baffin Island and in Labrador. Artifacts pointing to Norse occupations includes yarn, bar-shaped whetstones, wooden tally sticks, and a broken stone crucible which contained traces of copper and tin for bronze working. Only one building has been found, a rectangular foundation of boulders and turf, and a stone-lined drainage basin. LAnse aux Meadows is now owned by Parks Canada, who carried on excavations at the site during the mid-1970s. The site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978; and Parks Canada has reconstructed some of the sod buildings and maintains the site as a living history museum, complete with costumed interpreters. Sources and Further Reading A great source of information about LAnse aux Meadows is the official Parks Canada site, in French and English.Foster, Aidan. Hierophanies in the Vinland Sagas: Images of a New World. Culture and Cosmos 16.1 and 2 (2012): 131–38. Print.Ingstad, Anne Stine. The Viking Discovery of America: The Excavation of a Norse Settlement in LAnse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland, 1961–1968. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1977.Kristensen, Todd J., and Jenneth E. Curtis. Late Holocene Hunter-Gatherers at L’anse Aux Meadows and the Dynamics of Bird and Mammal Hunting in Newfoundland. Arctic Anthropology 49.1 (2012): 68–87. Print.Renouf, M.A.P., Michael A. Teal, and Trevor Bell. In the Woods: The Cow Head Complex Occupation of the Gould Site, Port Au Choix. The Cultural Landscapes of Port Au Choix: Precontact Hunter-Gatherers of Northwestern Newfoundland. Ed. Renouf, M.A.P. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2011. 251–69. Print.Sutherland, Patricia D., Peter H. Thompson, and P atricia A. Hunt. Evidence of Early Metalworking in Arctic Canada. Geoarchaeology 30.1 (2015): 74–78. Print. Wallace, Birgitta. Lanse Aux Meadows, Leif Erikssons Home in Vinland. Journal of the North Atlantic 2.sp2 (2009): 114–25. Print.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Role Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Role Identification - Essay Example It’s the duty of research assistant to contribute his/her help to the professionals to obtain maximum knowledge, organize, collect, compile and analyze data. They coordinate the trials and also make sure that all the procedures are followed properly. Research assistant also serves as coordinators, researchers, investigators, administrators, consultants or educators. It is also the reasonability of a research assistant to maintain discipline in following the rules and regulations in the industry and to maintain the safety and confidentiality in relation to the information. In a nutshell, we can say that the research assistant should be someone able enough to know how to improve the designs of new experiments; he should be able to keep all the records accurately and safely and present them when necessary. Also, supervision of the undergoing experiments and keeping the technicians busy with their work is the most important task required of him (Education Portal,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical Essay - 2
Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical implications - Essay Example Whatever legislature that pertains to the subject matter is covered under a set of workplace Torts. Ineffective administrative communication leads to frustration and the buildup of stress within the organization. A major reason for this could be the legal principle of â€Å"Respondeat Superior†which places the responsibility of the activities of the employee on the superior or the manager. Thus, the senior – junior relationship is constantly strained and is one of perpetual scrutiny rather than warmth or affection. At one extreme of this we have the tendency among some in power to abuse their position through threats, abuse, intimidation and retaliatory discharge, all of which are cause of legal action. In an effort to reduce the probability of wrongful discharge, some states, such as Connecticut, Montana, Maine and Michigan have enacted legislation that protects employees from terminations that are found to be arbitrary and capricious (Pozgar & Santucci, 2007). At the other end, the employees themselves should ethically adhere to a strict code of conduct that respects patient specific and facility specific information. Also, the court enunciated a corporate negligence doctrine in 1965 under the Darling Vs Charleston Community Memorial Hospital which stated clearly that a hospital has the duty to provide an adequately trained medical and nursing staff. Legal statues and workplace torts require that employers must communicate clearly to prospective employees that their employment is at will and can be terminated at any time by either the employer or the employee. This shall encourage the employee to work properly as well as clear any misconceptions that may arise later. In recent years however, the rule that employment for an indefinite term is terminable by the employer whenever and for whatever cause he chooses
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
EIC and new ways of waging war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
EIC and new ways of waging war - Research Paper Example Grotius the VOC jurist The VOC was formed as a private company whose main aim was to counteract the dominance of Portuguese interests in the East and West Indies region, as well as target Spanish interests in the ongoing conflict between the Dutch and the Spaniards. Grotius was appointed by the VOC Company as an advocate to champion the freedom of navigation and free access to markets that were under the strict control of the Portuguese.3 He conducted a campaign whose main aims were to legitimize the operations of the VOC as a body interested in fighting for free trade, the abolition of monopoly, and freedom of navigation in the East Indies waters; all of which the Portuguese were not willing to accept.4 The primary purpose in founding the VOC was so that it could anchor Dutch interests in the East Indies by moving fast to take advantage of lucrative trade routes that were under threat from British Imperial merchants. ... ket requirements.5 As a young philosopher, Grotius laid the foundation for a new understanding of international law and Just War Theory that formed the basis for Dutch arguments towards the legality of their operations in the East Indies. For example, in 1609, Grotius anonymously published Mare Liberum, or the â€Å"Freedom of the Seas,†which was a way to declare war outside the European continent mainly driven by low profits from the West Indies trade, and increasing competition from the English.6 As the main VOC jurist, Grotius advocated for the legitimization of the actions and operations of the VOC, arguing that they were legal and moral. For example, on the issue of extradition, Grotius argued that all nations had the natural right and duty to either extradite or punish malefactors.7 Moreover, Grotius held that subjects of the United Netherlands had a right to sail and trade in the East Indies.8 This challenged Portuguese, Spanish, and English interests in the East Indie s. Mainly, this was argued on the principle that every nation had the right to trade with any nation it pleases.9 Moreover, Grotius’ argued that the Portuguese and Spanish did not have sovereignty over the areas they occupied in the East Indies. Hence to deny the Dutch any trade rights or the rights to passage would be absurd and unjust. This paved the way for increased competition and conflict in the East Indies amongst the European powers. In February 1603, the VOC seized the Portuguese vessel Santa Catarina along the Singapore coast, on the pretext that Portuguese merchants had aggrieved Dutch vessels, and therefore seizing the ship was justified as a form of reparation.10 Grotius argued that the Portuguese had denied the Dutch the natural right of access and trade in Asian markets, that the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Introduction To The Media Industry Media Essay
Introduction To The Media Industry Media Essay As the media industry joins the ranks of others that are facing tremendous declines and losing advertising revenue, African Americans in the media have also faced extreme challenges. We as people often search for answers to create change in todays society, but stereotypes linger within our world placing a barrier on chances of unity and equality. One of the main sources of these stereotypes is the mass media. Stereotypes are commonly referred to as codes that give audiences quick, common understandings, (sometimes invalid) of a person or group of people mostly relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role, or occupation. African Americans are constantly viewed in ways that are false and over-exaggerated. From loud explicit curse words, to wobbly behinds and gold teeth, the mass media blinds America with false and negative images. From the beginning of television history, African Americans were shown as very dark, monkey-like characters without a tad of know-how except in the areas of housekeeping or singing and dancing. Stereotyping or labeling is a technique that attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the images as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable (Lester 134). These ideas become so clichà © that they begin to form daily thoughts and views and one is unable to look beyond them. The mass media, including movies, music, music videos, newspapers, magazines, television broadcasts, and forms of advertising, often portrays African Americans as hood, ghetto, threatening, and sexually explicit. This has transformed into lifestyles and insulting stereotypes in todays society. The inadequate coverage of African Americans due, in large part to the lack of depth in minority media ownership, has provided an opportunity in the nations current economic conditions. The media industry is taking major hits as revenues are dropping, readership and viewership totals are down, and the journalism and media industries are bumping along the same rocky roads as the automotive industry where thousands of jobs were lost in a matter of days. Framework of Study This study will include a mass research of the past century of African American appearances in the media. African- Americans image has evolved over time. Research will be focused on why and how this evolution process has taken place. This subject has been overlooked by society, and many do not understand that the process of an African-American being placed in the media was a very difficult one. Examples will be given on how African Americans were depicted in the media. Also, there will be an analysis of how audiences of the media react to blacks being the focal point, and why publishers and broadcasters show these images in the manner that they do. Graphs of the ratings of the different media releases will be compared by race of focal point to determine the impact that African-Americans had on society through the media. Also, common television sitcoms will be analyzed in order to explain how African-American images have changed over time. All sitcoms were reviewed through network television. The sitcoms range from the 1960s to the current television era. Also, the sitcoms will be analyzed to explain how the content has changed societys view on the lives and culture of African Americans. Statement of Problem Society has placed a negative image on African-Americans due to the techniques of the media used to portray them. These techniques are marketing schemes used to produce more total revenue. These negative ideas or beliefs place a role in the lives of many African-Americans. Stereotypes are formed and problems arise daily for black individuals. From ethnic name profiling to police brutality, African-Americans endure corrupt thoughts based on negative images displayed by the media. The only way to erase or reduce these negative images is if the media reverses the images it has created. Many marketing specialist believe that these images are entertaining and overlook the morals and values of its content. African-Americans are unfairly and unrealistically portrayed on television and other forms of media. Unfortunately, there are many who do fall victim to the stereotypes, and there are many more that experience prejudice and pain because of them. After watching some movies that are currently popular, it seems that the majority of current films that are aimed at an African American audience fill and support these negative stereotypes of African Americans. Luckily, there are some media broadcasts that allow variety of African Americans to be shown to society. The change in content of programming is currently allowing room for change of the long lived stereotypes. Rational Profiling, stereotyping, and negative imaging must be stopped. Even after decades have relinquished away since the time of slavery, racism and prejudices still linger in our society. The media is not making these images look any better. Social prejudices or programmed depictions of groups in a society have long pervaded and shaped social ethos, but it is through this awareness, that cultural humanity is able to dismantle and set aside such associations (Walker 545). The images in the media of African Americans have changed the lifestyles of todays black society. Due to lack of knowledge and being blinded the media, the African-American race has yielded to live up to the images shown to society. These stereotypes of African Americans being used by the media today and years ago are injuring the realistic image of black people and the way that both African-American and Caucasians view those of African heritage. Gender, Class, and Race Stereotypes in American Media Gender, class, and race stereotypes abound in contemporary society, much like they have done throughout human history. With the advent of the media, however, stereotypical assumptions have become so pervasive, and so diffused, that some call for a serious and purposeful scrutiny of the media contents. A full analysis will be conducted to enlighten others that the African-American culture differs tremendously from the way that the media displays it.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Catcher in the Rye Holden Gets Influenced :: Essays Papers
The Catcher in the Rye Holden Gets Influenced Everyone gets influenced by someone, even heroes do. The Catcher in the Rye, a novel written by J. D. Salinger, talks about Holden Caulfield, a 16 year old boy that is trying to live through his problems. Holden tries to learn from his experiences as well as from the ones of others. He goes through many hard times, but he always takes them as a chance to imagine how it could have ended if he had done something about them or what cold had happened if he was not so â€Å"yellow†. Many people influence him; especially Jane Gallagher, Phoebe, and Allie. Jane Gallagher has a lot of influence on Holden. For example he states, â€Å"†¦You never even worried, with Jane, whether your hand was sweaty or not. All you knew was, you were happy. You really were.†In this scene, Holden shows how Holden feels when he gets around Jane. Holden says that he feels good and happy when around Jane. Another scene where Jane demonstrates her influence over Holden, is when he states, â€Å"†¦Then I’d crawl back to my room and call up Jane and have her come over and bandage up my guts. I pictured her holding a cigarette for me to smoke while I was†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Here, Holden imagines Jane coming over to help him, which reveals that Holden feels secure and protected by her. It also shows how Holden feels about Jane, the girl of his dreams, who he feels in love with. Jane clearly has much influence over Holden. Holden’s little brother, Allie, also influences a lot on him. For example, Holden states, â€Å"†¦You’d have liked him. He was two years younger than I was, but he was about fifty times as intelligent†¦He was also the nicest member of the family in lots of ways. He never got mad at anybody†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Holden always thinks of his brother Allie as a good and intelligent boy. When Holden thinks about Allie, Holden shows his love for him and how much he likes him. Another important scene is when Holden says, â€Å"†¦I kept walking and walking up Fifth Avenue†¦Then all of a sudden, something very spooky started happening. Every time I came to the end of a block and stepped off the goddam curb, I had this feeling that I’d never get to the other side of the street.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Calorimetry Prelab
Experiment 12 Calorimetry and Heat of Reactions ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERFORMANCE GOALS: 1. To learn how to use of a calorimeter 2. To learn how to collect and manipulate data in the computer 3. To calculate the calorimeter constant 4. To use Hess' Law to find the heat or formation of magnesium oxide CHEMICAL OVERVIEW: †¢Enthalphy: (? H) : when chemical or physical changes occur at a constant pressure. †¢Calorimeter: is an instrument with insulating walls where the reaction happens. Eq. 1: q rxn = -qsurrounding Heat of capacity of the calorimeter: â€Å"Cp†must be calculated at the beginning of every calorimeter experiment in Joules/  °C Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter: The calorimeter constant is easily found by adding a fixed amount of hot water to a known amount of cold water and the change in temp for each recorded, due to the Law of Energy Conservation the amount of heat r eleased by the hot water should be equal to the amount of heat absorbed by the cold water: Eq. 2 q released( Hot Water) = -q absorbed (Cold Water) If there is a discrepancy between these two values use the following equation:Eq. 3q= m x spht x ? T Where spht is the specific heat of the substance in J/ g °C ?T is the temperature change in  °C andm is the mass in grams Mass of Cold Water|51. 20 g| Initial temperature of cold water|20. 3  °C| Mass of hot water|49. 82 g| Initial temp of hot water|98. 2  °C| Final temp of the mixture|58. 3  °C| Eq. 4qHot = mHot x sphtWater x ? THot qHot = (4. 184 J/  °C-g)(49. 82g)(58. 3  °C-98. 2  °C) = -8317 J Eq. 5qCold = mCold x sphtWater x ? TCold qCold = (4. 184 J/  °C-g)(51. 20g)(58. 3  °C-20. 3  °C) = 8142 J 8317-8142 = 175 joules Cp = ( 175 J ) / (58.  °C – 20. 3  °C) Cp = 4. 6 J/  °C HEAT OF REACTIONS: q released = -q absorbed Eq. 6 q released = – (q solution + q calorimeter ) Eq. 7 qSolution = mSolutio n x sphtWater x ? TSolution sphtsolution= 4. 184 J/ g  °C Eq. 8q calorimeter= Cp x ? T Eq. 9 q reaction = ? Hreaction Hess's Law Hess's Law states that the enthalpy of a reaction is independent of the steps that it takes to get from reactants to products because enthalpy of reaction is a state function. State Function- depends on initial and final state but not on the path taken ?Temperature ?Volume ?Pressure ?Energy Mg (s) + 1/2 O2 (g) –> MgO ( s) PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT 1. Predict the product, balance the questions and write the net ionic equations for the reactions: a. Mg (s) + HCI (aq) â€â€> b. MgO (s) + HC: (aq) â€â€> 2. Write the reaction that represents the enthalpy of formation ( ? Hfor ) of water. 3. Use the table of the thermodynamic data in your text book to calculate the ? H for each of the three reactions REMEMBER Eq. 10 ( ? H  °rxn = ? ( n? H  °for )prod – ? ( n? H  °for )react 1) 2) 3) 4. Use Hess's Law combining the three molecular equations to calculate the ?Hrxn for the reaction of the formation of MgO. PROCEDURE A. CALIBRATION OF THERMISTOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. DETERMINATION OF THE HEAT CAPACITY OF THE CALORIMETER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. REACTION OF MgO AND HCI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D. REACTION OF Mg AND HCI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. E. DATA AND CALCULATIONS A. Calorimeter Constant Mass of Styrofoam cup with lid + spin bar (g)|| Mass of cup with lid + spin bar + 50mL of room temp. water (g)|| Initial Temp of Room Temp. Water (  °C )|| Initial Temp of Hot Water(  °C )|| Total mass at the end (g)||Calculated Heat released by Hot Water (J) (Eq. 4)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by R. T Water (J) Eq. 5)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by Calorimeter (J)|| Calculated Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter, Cp (J/ °C) (Eq. 8) || B. Heat of Reaction of MgO Mass of weighing boat (g)|| Mass of weighing boat + Magnesium oxide (g)|| Mass of Magnesium oxide (g)|| Mass of Styrofoam cup with lid + spin bar (g)|| Mass or Styrof oam cup with lid, spin bar (g) + HCI|| Calculated Mass of HCI (g)|| Total Mass of solution at the end|| Calculated Mass of MgO (g) (using total mass of solution)||Initial Temperature of Solution ( °C) (before MgO was added)|| Final. Temp of solution ( °C) (after MgO was added)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by solution (J) (Eq. 7)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J) (Eq. 8)|| Calculated Total heat absorbed|| Calculated Total heat released by the solution (Eq. 6)|| Calculated Moles of MgO|| Calculated Moles of HCI|| Heat released per Mole of MgO|| Molar Heat Reaction (kJ/mol)|| C. Reaction of Mg with HCI Mass of weighing boat (g)|| Mass of weighing boat + Magnesium (g)|| Mass of Magnesium (g)|| Mass of Styrofoam cup with lid + spin bar (g)||Mass or Styrofoam cup with lid, spin bar (g) + HCI|| Calculated Mass of HCI (g)|| Total Mass of solution at the end|| Calculated Mass of Mg (g) (using the final mass of solution)|| Initial Temperature of Solution ( °C) (before Mg was a dded)|| Final. Temp of solution ( °C) (after Mg was added)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by solution (J) (Eq. 7)|| Calculated Heat absorbed by calorimeter (J) (Eq. 8)|| Calculated Total heat absorbed|| Calculated Total heat released by the solution (Eq. 6)|| Calculated Moles of Mg|| Calculated Moles of HCI|| Heat released per Mole of Mg||
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
“the Catcher in the Rye Expository Essayâ€Â
â€Å"The catcher in the rye expository essay†The catcher in the rye is a book I have read and really enjoyed because of the plot and the characters in the novel. â€Å"I always call it the catcher of the rye of the new generation. †(www. Thinkexist. comJessica sharzer) the novel takes place in New York. This narrativeis really enjoyable and fun to read. This novel deals with a lot of issues and this is the reason I enjoyed this innovative story. The story takes place in New York City and this is one of the many reasons why I like this novel. The story was also written in a narrative format because of the way the main character: Holden Coldenfield. Holden narrates throughout the entire narrative because he is the narrator. He has been kicked out of eight different schools due to the way he acts in class and towards his peers. He also smokes to keep his stress down because of the way he acts. Every single person who knows of Holden would not like or even care for him. The only person who cared for him is his little sister. The family does not know he was kicked out of his new school Yancy academy. Holden cares for his little sister Phoebe Caulfield. Holden also stays at a hotel for a couple of nights after being kicked of his poised school Yancy academy. He tries to act like an adult to show he is not afraid even though he is sixteen. When Holden couldn’t afford to stay at the hotel anymore he decided to stay with a teacher who tries to molest him while he sleeps and Holden then decides to leave the teachers house without calling the police. While he is walking he happens upon a bar and decides to walk in even though he is sixteen but he has a fake driver’s license and he sees a girl dancing by herself and so he decides to ask her out and it does not end well for him. Holden decides to leave New York for another city because he knows that his family will send him to another prep school. His family might start to miss him since he was their only son and they took him for granted. Before leaving he finds his sister while she is on a field trip in central park and takes her to a merry go round before leaving. Since Holden really cares for Phoebe he explains to her that he is leaving and won’t be coming back and he tells her that he loves her. He also tells Phoebe the dream he had explaining him being a catcher in the rye and how he was catching little kids as they ran off a cliff. After he is done telling her this she asks him if she could go with him when he leaves New York. Finally, the catcher in the rye is a novel that I have read and enjoyed because of the characters and the plot in the novel. â€Å"I will always call it the catcher in the rye of the new generation. †(Jessica sharzer)
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